Example sentences of "[pron] could not accept " in BNC.

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1 But with all the glasnost in the world I could not accept Natasha Vitaliev 's comments ( Impressions of Britain Today ) : ‘ Women in Britain have equal rights with men …
2 If the driver had seen that I was hurt , he would have stopped , and I was not up to explaining why I could not accept a lift .
3 But when I did so , the words I uttered for the record were that I could not accept that the proper constitutional practices , as I understood them , were being observed .
4 I told the Cabinet that I could not accept that the traditional basis for collective responsibility had been established .
5 I had for a long time being trying to find a way of showing the heat-pain argument to be invalid , because I could not accept the conclusion , that heat exists only as a sensation in the mind .
6 Richards , 40 , said : ‘ I was flattered to receive the offer , but morally I could not accept .
7 For all the assurances from those around me that I was perfect Legion material , I could not accept that the prestigious French Foreign Legion would have any need of the services of somebody whose military prowess was earned more at the bar than in the field .
8 Rightly or wrongly , I could not accept that certain occupations having a particular duty to society could withdraw their essential services for financial considerations .
9 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
10 I could not accept this terrible punishment , and wrote to all the important people I could think of , asking for mercy for Magwitch .
11 But he 'd known that while I might accept his desire to get out of the situation I could not accept his withdrawing support from me , just shutting me out , without letting me come to terms with his thinking .
12 ‘ But I could not accept … ’
13 Being fascinated with the problems of developing highly professional staff , and having many years of experience in recruiting from almost every British campus , I could not accept them as good building stone and felt obliged to turn them down .
14 I could not accept in my heart that I had a problem , ’ she explains .
15 Mrs Mack said she could not accept the offer : ‘ £6m would not buy what I already have , which I want to keep .
16 In fact , it is an incomplete one — he was born in Paris in 1900 , his mother having left the USA after the defeat ( which she could not accept ) of the Southern states in the Civil War .
17 She was not content to be insulted in cafés by waiters more rude than any to be found in Northam ; she could not accept the lowliness of her status , for it seemed to pain her more abroad than it had done at home , and she felt that she should somehow have escaped it , that she should have been changed , somehow , into something new .
18 Interestingly , when Laura was told about this incident years later by a researcher preparing an internal history of the company , she could not accept it .
19 Even now , she could not accept that it was over , that the deception had to end .
20 After a restless few hours ' sleep , Fabia awakened to daylight and the concrete knowledge that for her sister 's sake she could not accept defeat on that interview issue .
21 When man himself started to make decisions which were to become contributions to the substance of the Created God , there arose individuals who could not accept the decisions which were designated ‘ good ’ by the majority , and who therefore started moving towards behaviour which was specifically harmful to others .
22 Unless they desperately need to believe , like the self-styled ‘ cerealogists ’ who could not accept two jokers had been manufacturing corn circles .
23 The alternative may be the public compliance combined with private doubt of the boy who could not accept that the Earth was round .
24 We should have had our case prepared and presented to him , spelling out what we wanted and what we could not accept , before he took his decision .
25 We did not want to exclude ourselves from membership ; but we could not accept such an automatic commitment .
26 He then went on to provide a long list , not of items that we could accept , but of items that we could not accept .
27 We could not accept a treaty that contained either a commitment at the beginning to a federal vocation or a review clause at the end — this is the question I have just answered — which implied or stated that the result of the review must be a movement towards federalism .
28 European Tour , we could not accept being banned .
29 In the end , the WICBC 's attitude that they could not accept any individual who did not uphold their tradition of sportsmanship prevailed , and Gilchrist played no more Tests .
30 During the discussions , many participants said they could not accept that round teabags were in any way superior .
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