Example sentences of "[pron] could [be] useful " in BNC.

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1 A FORMER Ulster prison officer was charged last night with collecting , recording and possessing information which could be useful to terrorists planning murders .
2 What might be a set of values which could be useful ?
3 Below is a list of sounds which could be useful to reinforce the spoken word :
4 However , films can be used to create an atmosphere of reality , which could be useful for students prevented , say by distance , from visiting a certain university library .
5 They 'll find out , for example , that Julio Iglesias prefers to be filmed only from the right — which could be useful for the cameramen .
6 This would be searchable in either direction , which could be useful in some parallel application for string searching , or just allowing for reverse searching because the end of the string is more restrictive .
7 Moreover , the Thessalians by tradition held the presidency of the Amphictyonic Council ( Syll. 175 ) which could be useful when it came to putting a motion .
8 Mind you , these birds are very quick and it might pick up a few words which could be useful . ’
9 Some of them could be useful to know …
10 And I 'll tell you , sooner or later it 's going to occur to someone you could be useful ; useful enough to make it worthwhile taking out that dog .
11 I think you could be useful .
12 If you feel that you could be useful please contact Adrienne or Hilda at the Office .
13 It also became apparent that they could be useful in subdividing the intractable stretch of time from Late Cambrian to Silurian ; they changed in obvious ways from one rock formation to the next .
14 If such extra-curricula activities were well organised , they could be useful and educational , but they should not detract from study or emphasise the ‘ get rich quick ’ ideology .
15 It could be useful to remind Stuart Baxter of it some time in the future .
16 It could be useful when we get the usual clutch of nutters claiming they 're the Whistler .
17 ‘ The Coleys have asked us back for drinks at Château Kitsch — that 's worth seeing anyway , ’ he said , ‘ but lots of potential patrons will be there and the Pony Club Committee , so it could be useful to Perdita .
18 Erm maybe someone says it could be useful for you to try it again , without any help from this page at all .
19 I think it 's said it , if there 's anything on pertaining to the County Council , like highway matters , then it could be useful , but I mean if it just , there 's no point in him sitting here to discuss planning applications , because that enquiry 's
20 He could be useful . ’
21 ‘ You see , ’ I overheard her say through the half-closed door , ‘ I told you he could be useful . ’
22 Having to retire early was a shock — but if he felt he could be useful … ’
23 Anyway , whatever we call it , I reckon this principle of ours could be useful . ’
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