Example sentences of "[pron] could [be] dangerous " in BNC.

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1 Obviously anything which could be dangerous for him or her , or others , has a red code : running into the road , climbing the railway fence , attacking the toddler next door with his teeth .
2 Does it have wheels or castors on all four legs ( which could be dangerous with an active toddler ) ?
3 The channel was not a broad one , no more than a single kilometre , but conditions could be rough ; they could be dangerous .
4 It could be dangerous . ’
5 It could be dangerous — Edward Shelley of Warninghurst died at Tyburn in 1588 for hiding a priest — but by and large the penalties were not too heavily enforced .
6 It could be dangerous .
7 It could be dangerous . ’
8 It could be dangerous because if you 're sucking water into acid you could have problems .
9 It could be dangerous for anybody who knows . ’
10 All depending what sort of job your job , it could be dangerous if you did n't know what you were doing .
11 Well it could be dangerous , if you did n't watch what you were doing .
12 It could be dangerous down there .
13 ‘ No , because , because , because it could be dangerous .
14 ‘ From what I hear , it could be dangerous being your age , ’ he said shiftily , avoiding my eye .
15 As we know , it could be dangerous .
16 Police radio describes how they 're giving up the chase because there are a lot of children about and it could be dangerous .
17 If misused , it could be dangerous .
18 The police believe magistrates are under pressure to grant bail , even when officers advise them it could be dangerous .
19 She says it could be dangerous for a woman , but is n't everywhere in Oxford .
20 It could be dangerous .
21 And yesterday Coun ThorneWallis said : ‘ There are many holes in the fencing and it could be dangerous for children playing . ’
22 They 've got to repair daddy 's car because it could be dangerous , Grant .
23 It could be dangerous so you , you open up the top and then the other parts the lining
24 It could be dangerous .
25 It 's not known if the weapon he uses is real , but he could be dangerous .
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