Example sentences of "[pron] could [not/n't] stand " in BNC.

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1 I could n't stand it .
2 I could n't stand any more , so I locked myself in my bedroom and in the morning I went to Newhaven and got on the boat .
3 Supposing there were a heaven , I could n't stand an eternity with you .
4 At first the thought of going back to work made me shudder because I could n't stand the thought of leaving Danielle for an hour let alone a whole day , but once my husband Dave and I had left Danielle with a babysitter a couple of times , I realised that she would still be there when I came back and that she would be fine .
5 I could n't stand by and take it from that arrogant old blimp without putting a word in . ’
6 And last time I went I could n't stand it .
7 Then we got Brian back — ’ Brian ! — ‘ because I could n't stand your father worrying that he 'd fall down a rock face . ’
8 Eventually , I could n't stand it any more .
9 ‘ When my boyfriend tried to touch me , I could n't stand him to be near me .
10 ‘ I 've dropped out — I could n't stand it any more . ’
11 I could n't stand the tension myself .
12 I could n't stand it , ’ says the 44-year-old former Davis Cup player .
13 I could n't stand that hospital any longer , and I 'm much happier here at home .
14 I could n't stand seein' the poor fings in those traps , ’ Aggie groaned .
15 I could n't stand a smelly cat tearin' me 'ome ter pieces , ’ she told him .
16 I could n't stand me 'ome gettin' tore ter pieces , an' they 're so smelly , ’ she moaned .
17 Very often people are almost haunted by one particular experience and they think to themselves , ‘ Oh no , I could n't stand it if it happened like that again' .
18 I could n't stand chemistry anyway , could n't understand it at all , the atoms and the neutrons and all that .
19 He hit me a lot , but I suffered it till I could n't stand it any more .
20 Apart from the barmaid , we were the only women there , and the two youngest women in our group had a long discussion : one defended the secret solidarity of the men , the other said , " it 's no place for a woman , I could n't stand it . "
21 ‘ Finally I could n't stand it any longer , so I left him . ’
22 You know I could n't stand the boy being submitted to physical punishment , ’ David was quick to assure him .
23 I could n't stand the journey .
24 I went out for a walk because I could n't stand being indoors .
25 I could n't stand this ritual dance any longer and cautiously addressed the floor by the chargé 's feet .
26 When I first came I could n't stand it .
27 Just take , just take , I was gon na take them , I says , I could n't stand the pain any longer ,
28 But being me I could n't stand that very long , may be two or three months , and I asked to be moved .
29 I could n't stand it , I got him to retie my hands in front and then I unhooked the monsters and smashed them on the hearth .
30 I said I could n't stand the orangeady carpet any more and he 's bought me some Indian and Turkish rugs .
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