Example sentences of "[pron] can [not/n't] possibly " in BNC.

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1 I can not possibly explain to a lay audience the techniques I used to study these genes — although I can tell you they involved the use of a type of radio microscope , and considerable extremely complex computer work — the programming alone involved almost a year 's work .
2 For example , if the patient says ‘ I can not possibly measure my own blood glucose because I am at work all day ’ , the patient might be lost if the doctor were to insist .
3 When they have chosen the cards you then say : ‘ You have chosen the cards and I can not possibly know which two they are .
4 I can not possibly reveal the name of the alleged culprit , because at the time of going to press he 's taken a well-deserved holiday in the ardeche from his climbing wall company
5 ‘ Oh I can not possibly say at this point .
6 I realise that this is a short debate and that I can not possibly ask the hon. Lady all the questions that I should like to ask .
7 I can not possibly and conceivably , and no good other individual officer , actually handle all those and some them have to be delegated .
8 It 's about time that you grew up and realised that I can not possibly be dancing attendance on you every five minutes . ’
9 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
10 She had always sworn to herself that she would never impose on her daughter 's marriage 2. ) but she knows now that she can not possibly decline an invitation to spend the rest of her days at her son-in-law 's house .
11 It has long been known that skilled smallholders , owning their own plots of land , can produce very much more from an acre than large-scale farmers with labourers who can not possibly have the same dedication .
12 Interviewed by Central TV 's documentary ‘ The Acid Test ’ , Chester declared that ‘ You can not possibly , by observing diatoms , be able to say it is definitely due to power stations or to any other cause .
13 You can not possibly imagine just how beautiful you look ! ’ said the pilot of the Meteor chaseplane during the first flight in March 1969 of Concorde 001 from Toulouse .
14 After they have done this , tell them to return all the cards to the pack and to shuffle them together so that you can not possibly know where they were .
15 But this is one candle you can not possibly afford to extinguish in your life , for without it you may lose much of the valuable to-and-fro of friendship , which can protect you from isolation , and act as a safety-valve when you are under strain .
16 This does not mean that you can not possibly be tempted by the sight of a chocolate bar or the scent of a fish and chip shop , but you will more easily be able to resist .
17 If you feel that you can not possibly win a competition as ,
18 However carefully and thoroughly you prepare the ground , you can not possibly hold the whole complex totality of a novel in your head in all its detail at any one moment .
19 Come now , you can not possibly imagine that anything could have come of your relation with that chit .
20 You can not possibly know to what I am referring . ’
21 You can not possibly be pregnant with my child .
22 You can not possibly eat as much as you do and remain so slim . ’
23 You can not possibly go .
24 ‘ Poor Lavinia is certainly past hope , and whether she ends by giving the property to Araminta or Benedict you can not possibly remain there . ’
25 ‘ Perhaps , ’ I can hear my readers saying , ‘ but you can not possibly suppose that all the totalitarian states which have come into existence in times ancient and modern have been the result of faulty socialization and nothing more . ’
26 Whatever we want from our lives now — the Booker Prize , a recording contract , a promotion , a Porsche convertible , the girl at the Virgin Megastore checkout desk — we can not possibly have coveted it for as long as we have cherished dreams of football glory , dreams which have remained fundamentally unchanged since childhood .
27 ‘ With Celon , we can not possibly have football conversations .
28 We can not possibly accept the MacSharry proposals as they stand because they discriminate against British farming more than anything else .
29 A Georgian TV source said : ‘ We can not possibly afford the money Linfield are asking .
30 The facilities are here , they have an important role and when one is looking open-mindedly — and systematically at a teaching problem one can not possibly ignore them .
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