Example sentences of "[pron] would provide a " in BNC.

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1 Linked to the UCDC would be the Ulster Protestant Volunteers which would provide a province-wide structure for rank-and-file supporters .
2 The editor 's notes reveal his disillusionment with the increasing commercialisation of the game although he calls for ‘ changes which would provide a dynamic , viable circuit for the professional game in the 1990s and beyond ’ .
3 At present the parochial church council are awaiting the result of a planning application to install a Portakabin , which would provide a temporary home for the youngsters , as well as creche facilities .
4 Strangely , few barns had been converted into craft or light industry centres , the rent on which would provide a permanent income for the farmer .
5 The dating of an artefact to the span of a single generation would be to a degree of accuracy which would provide a powerful tool for the study of Anglo-Saxon society .
6 Within this perspective , the need to develop in every child a facility with skills of study , library use and information handling was clearly significant , as was some ideal of a fully integrated , centralised resources centre which would provide a hub for the wide range of activities comprising the curriculum .
7 The panel brought to last year 's assembly a modest am amendment of the nineteen sixty three act which it believed was theologically sound pastorally sensitive and which would provide a degree of flexibility .
8 Such exploitation was compounded by the fact that their tenants obtained only low wages and insecure employment and could not afford a rent which would provide a sufficiently large return to keep the houses in good repair .
9 It aimed to gather material on consumer perspectives on shopping , which would provide a basis for advice given to local co-operatives .
10 His plan for social insurance envisaged a single weekly flat-rate contribution which would provide a comprehensive system of social insurance ‘ from the cradle to the grave ’ , including unemployment benefit , sickness benefit , disability benefit , workmen 's compensation , old age , widows ' and orphans ' pensions and benefits , funeral grants and maternity benefit .
11 The members had set down seven proposals which would provide a useful starting point for the task force .
12 The Council of Ministers is split on the amount of cash aid that should go to projects , now at the demonstration stage , which would provide an alternative to imported oil .
13 to name but a few , it would be sensible if those of us responsible for production , came together on occasion to swap information , provide each other with examples of material produced , discuss difficulties experienced with regard to reaching specific target audiences , use of alternative formats ( ethnic minority languages etc. ) — generally a forum which would provide an opportunity to share methods and experiences .
14 And she would provide a substitute for the two weeks she reckoned it would take her , an English maid called Phoebe Crabbe with whom she had become friendly .
15 He received from one of those organisations , the Board of Guardians , food , clothing , a little money to tide him over the worst first weeks , and the address of a family who would provide a room and warmth .
16 We owe much to the Annales Cambriæ , for example , and would gladly know more of whatever lay behind the Norman chronicler William of Jumièges ' statement that shortly before his conquest of England Swegen visited Rouen and agreed with Duke Richard II that booty taken by the Danes was to be sold through the Normans , who would provide a refuge where wounded men could recuperate .
17 I would be grateful if you would provide an estimate for undertaking the work necessary to review the impact of a snow making machine which is to be installed at Hillend Ski Centre .
18 Building there would provide a ready market for the wasted heat ; and often offer the bonus of a working rail link for environmentally friendly access .
19 This is plausible enough , although Bo Gräslund has recently contended that a watercourse near Stockholm once bore the name too , and that a battle there would provide a better historical context for the Sigtuna coinage and Cnut 's claim to rule some of the Swedes .
20 The Government was unwilling to spend money on taking over the house , but for a long time courted various businessmen in the hope that they would provide a major part of the funds .
21 Their approach was to run a business similar to a small City firm of solicitors , maintaining close relationships with a few senior people for whom they would provide a personal service and gain good repeat business .
22 There were some minor foreign royals who had attended the Christmas celebrations in the palace who might also be prevailed upon to come — they would provide a little exotic colour .
23 The general idea behind them was that they would provide a setting for vigorous entrepreneurs , capable of generating an industrial renaissance .
24 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
25 The bank would give him facilities to purchase the business to the extent of seventy five thousand pounds if he agreed to sell his property at and from the proceeds of sale to repay the bridging facility in its entirety and they would provide a sixteen thousand pounds business loan and overdraught facilities to be reduced by five thousand pounds within a few days and if the six thousand pounds rent deposit was not required then the business loan would be reduced to ten thousand pounds .
26 If a fish was receptive enough to electricity to pick up any tiny currents induced in its body , they would provide an additional guide to the Earth 's magnetic field .
27 They assumed he would provide a technical input but underestimated the degree of creative guidance he would proffer .
28 Brenda explained , ‘ Mr Sharma wanted to see the dogs , so I said that he certainly could if he would provide a written statement first .
29 But Crumwallis in his present state did not look as if he would provide a soothing influence upstairs .
30 Traces of amphetamine were found but the player was always confident he would provide a satisfactory explanation .
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