Example sentences of "[pron] would [be] unlikely " in BNC.

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1 Moltke could be the military opportunist and strategist as could Bismarck ) I would be unlikely to use this for Essay C-an example of the military caste ?
2 Should the nobility refuse to cooperate , the monarchy would be left high and dry and the monarch himself would be unlikely to survive .
3 These all turned out to be negative and the examining doctor decided to take rectal samples when she returned for her results as he felt she would be unlikely to come back a third time .
4 Nevertheless , Muoi was widely regarded as a cautious leader who would be unlikely to speed up the pace of reform .
5 HRP can only be given for complete tax years ( 6 April to 5 April ) , so if you simply gave up work for a few weeks in order to help out , you would be unlikely to qualify .
6 We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines .
7 Most of them would be unlikely to sponsor a wholesale reconstruction of the educational system and were content to work strenuously within the generous limits of the new Act of 1944 .
8 The dolphins ' opinion of Miss Goddard was not recorded but it is believed that they would be unlikely to demur from her conclusion .
9 Those means would be extra-parliamentary ; they would be unlikely to be confined to constitutional and lawful action and it would not be difficult to mount persuasive moral arguments for such activities .
10 ‘ If anybody thought not to attend they would be unlikely to remain ministers for long , ’ he said after hurriedly consulting Mr Major .
11 He said that the agreement was on its face unduly restrictive having regard to : ( a ) its likely duration ; ( b ) the publishers ' right to assign copyright in songs which they had acquired in full under the agreement , so that it could not be argued that they would be unlikely to act oppressively and so damage their goodwill ; ( c ) the fact that the publishers were not bound to publish or promote the songwriter 's work if they chose not to do so , so that he might earn nothing , and his talents be sterilised , contrary to the public interest ; and ( d ) the absence of any provision entitling the songwriter to terminate the agreement .
12 The couple would like to care for Leah at home fulltime , but have been told they would be unlikely to receive funding for a night nurse to look after her while they slept .
13 They would be unlikely to surface again for at least ten minutes !
14 He would be unlikely to give the Archangel Gabriel a run for his money and he should not be allowed to run to the House of Lords . ’
15 But Mr Heath was savagely criticised by the press and the public , and friends of Mr Major believe that in similar circumstances he would be unlikely to hang on .
16 President Clinton made it clear that until the treaties were ratified he would be unlikely to find time to meet Mr Kravchuk or Mr Kuchma .
17 The head explained to Mrs Singh that Balbinder was not making much progress and that because of class sizes he would be unlikely to receive the kind of attention he needed .
18 She also felt that age 6 was too early to make what she saw as a drastic decision — once out of mainstream education she felt he would be unlikely to get back .
19 Despite this I still had a strong impression that the Principal was clearly in control of the centre and that he would be unlikely to tolerate breaches of the rules .
20 He would be unlikely to survive the procedure but could well remain dependent on machinery for life support for weeks if not months before his heart stopped beating .
21 An isolated farm worker in a tied house still remains vulnerable to the ubiquitous pressures of dependence and he would be unlikely to heed a strike call .
22 He would be unlikely to find employment as a copywriter for a modern advertising agency ; a lousy salesman , that Silius .
23 And if he would have preferred it not to be Frizingley , to be , in fact , anywhere else but there , he managed to quell his initial misgivings by the grim reminder that he would be unlikely to know anyone in St Jude 's now .
24 Whereas Hitler might hesitate before invading a fellow-member of the Anti-Comintern Pact , he would be unlikely to do so if liberalism returned to Spain , aided and abetted by his enemies .
25 He would be unlikely to know the old-fashioned symbolism of flowers .
26 No final decision has been made on whether there will be legislation , but it would be unlikely to be tabled before next autumn , according to Department of Employment sources .
27 While it would be unlikely for a firm contractual commitment to be made which binds a record company to produce a promotional video , it is a matter of fact that a promotional video will be produced to support an artist 's first single .
28 ‘ One must accept ’ , Morton said carefully , ‘ that it would be unlikely the body had been brought from south of the river , because of the danger of being caught on a bridge .
29 To be fair , Suunto recommend that it is worn just above the wrist joint and it would be unlikely to move from that position .
30 It argues merely that whilst Parliament could pass such laws , it would be unlikely or unpurposeful for it to do so .
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