Example sentences of "[pron] who have ever " in BNC.

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1 Nobody who has ever taken the trouble to visit General Gouraud 's observation post on a cold , dank winter 's day , could ever escape the hell-hole ambiance of such a deathly place which seems to reach out over the decades of time to shame and sicken the human race .
2 Nobody who has ever murmured , ‘ Ah !
3 Another simple definition which will appeal to everyone who has ever tried to slim : More weight loss for less willpower !
4 Everyone who has ever taken an exam will remember that feeling of complete and utter boredom that overwhelmed them from time to time .
5 In one such performance , James Luna promises to combine ‘ Indian mythology , Christian evangelism , and psychoanalysis to create a double-edged interpretation that has ‘ something for everyone who has ever believed in the romantic vision of the American Indian and bought into the guilt-complex of American history ’ ’ ’ .
6 I care about you , about Susan , about everyone who has ever worked at that factory .
7 It is one of the wonders of the known world and no-one who has ever visited it can forget it .
8 Just the statutory plug for tomorrow 's show — and it 's calling all those amongst you who have ever tangled with the plastic interlocking brick and failed to construct anything — yes , Katie 's off to Legoland in Denmark .
9 None who 'd ever meant anything , but what business was that of his ?
10 My friends who lived nearby were all envious for I was the only one who had ever been down into the depths of the mysterious cellar .
11 Emily always repeated this warning , although she was the only one who had ever cut herself on the bacon-slicer .
12 No one who had ever stood on the edge of that abyss where she had been teetering for so long , that held hunger and cold , sickness that could not be treated for lack of a shilling , children one could afford neither to raise nor to bury , would have a harsh word to say .
13 No one who had ever struggled in the mire as she had , could fail to understand .
14 I thought I was the only one to satisfy you ; you told me that once ; you said I was the only one who had ever made you — ’
15 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
16 Yes , I was the youngest ever Mayor of Lewes by a clear ten years , I 'm the only one who 's ever been Mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century , erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nineteen , I was on polling stations and so on .
17 No one who has ever contemplated sending a parcel by British Rail 's Red Star — minimum charge £23.50 for same-day delivery between stations , plus a lot more if you want door-to-door service — will be greatly surprised to learn that the operation is allegedly riddled with inefficiency , waste , and misdirection .
18 This instrument must be familiar to every one who has ever heard a military band .
19 I benefitted amazingly from the experience and I think almost anybody who has ever worked with Lindsay has benefitted from the experience .
20 Anybody who has ever looked at sections of a rat 's brain and then at sections of a monkey 's brain will tell you that they look completely different .
21 No doubt anybody who has ever been abroad could match that .
22 1 How many ghost stories can you think of ? 2 Do you believe in ghosts ? 3 Do you know anybody who has ever seen a ghost ? 4 Think of one ghost story that you can remember — or make one up .
23 The computer interface was secretly operational , sorting through the Mormons ' old listings of everybody who had ever left a record of his or her life on earth .
24 Their readers could not get enough of Diana ; her face was on every magazine cover , every aspect of her life attracted comment and anyone who had ever known her was tracked down to be interviewed by the voracious media .
25 Well , that was n't all so farfetched , and anyone who 'd ever hosted a botfly larva , for example , would surely have sympathised .
26 Anyone who has ever tried to grow peaches outdoors will be familiar with ‘ Taphrina deformans ’ , the fungus which causes peach leaf curl disease .
27 Anyone who has ever tried chiselling out a channel in a wall to accommodate electrical conduit or other piping will appreciate this useful accessory from Wolfcraft .
28 Anyone who has ever suffered at the hands of military pomposity will relish the story of General Patton inspecting a hospital in France and screaming abuse at a man for not coming to attention in his presence , only to be told ‘ Run along , asshole .
29 Anyone who has ever witnessed a ‘ meet the people ’ exercise knows it is an absurdity .
30 Anyone who has ever had a close encounter with that lethal spirit tequila ( accurately described here as liquid plutonium ) will experience an agreeable sense of schadenfreude as the characters toss back the shots with reckless abandon , while the evocation of the hideous , hungover morning-after is hilariously achieved .
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