Example sentences of "[pron] 's bad for " in BNC.

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1 It 's worse for the lasses with kids at Christmas .
2 I think it 's worse for a woman than a man .
3 It 's worse for them because they blame themselves for having provided me with the financial means to take a plebeian job . ’
4 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
5 out , he says to me you 'll kill yourself , you always want to do something , but to be honest it 's worse for me to sit there and watch that , it 's more tiring because by the end of the night I 'm not tired or I 've been asleep all evening I , I 'm better to go out , I know it sounds awful but I do n't like being trapped , I do n't like being in because somebody seems to think I should be in
6 It 's bad for your digestion , mother , too much tea . ’
7 And anyway it 's bad for democracy for any one political party to be in power for too long .
8 It 's bad for the heart . ’
9 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
10 Officially it 's bad for your health .
11 It 's bad for the time , but worth it when you 've got 'em , they say ; about that , I do n't know . ’
12 It 's bad for your health
13 It 's bad for the sport because I wanted to win the crown in the ring by fighting for the undisputed title , ’ said Lewis .
14 It 's bad for business .
15 ‘ Serve the Captain first — and do n't give me any , you know it 's bad for me , not more than a taste , one slice — that 's enough !
16 Yes I do know it 's bad for my health as a matter of fact , that 's why I like it .
17 It 's bad for business .
18 ‘ She thinks it 's bad for him to go up there , the North , he really hates that country —
19 It 's bad for you to cry like that . "
20 It 's bad for the child .
21 Another thing about smoking , although nobody 's denying it 's bad for you , is the fact is that , it 's overwhelming the core of women who smoke , who also have worst diets , they also tend to have worse stress , it 's used as a very convenient scapegoat .
22 It 's bad for the country .
23 I might as well say it ; I am fed up with people writing to me and saying : ‘ Do n't touch the Ouija board ; it 's bad for your health ’ . ’
24 It 's no good me saying , Tony , it 's bad for you .
25 I know it 's bad for you , but what is n't these days ? ’
26 no my Lord that 's right , but , but , that does n't mean to say that if your Lordship did n't stayed there would be any , if your Lordship did or did n't stayed or any part of it does n't compute a validity of section fourteen until one 's got a judgment saying , it 's bad for example , I mean that 's what we 're arguing about until such and the
27 ‘ Do n't do that , Irish , it 's bad for my blood pressure , ’ he murmured in her ear .
28 It 's bad for my nerves — and unnecessary .
29 It 's bad for you Dave .
30 No they do n't it 's bad for her diet .
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