Example sentences of "[pron] were about [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I felt as though I were about to undergo an important test . ’
2 I wondered if he thought Dana and I were about to tie the knot , or whether he was thinking of us individually — the latter , I think , because he had warned me against marriage once or twice before when I had shown what he regarded as too much interest in a woman friend .
3 She and I were about to have a glass of champagne . ’
4 In fact , in the gracious providence of Almighty God , the conditions were just right for the events which were about to take place .
5 She looked as if she were about to set off for a provincial cocktail party , an office party of female executives .
6 Gwen looked as if she were about to shut the door .
7 Sarah seemed as if she were about to say something else , then thought better of it .
8 Then , taking a deep breath as if she were about to plunge into a pool of unknown depth and temperature — which , perhaps , she was — she continued , ‘ But could you tell me a bit more about what the work would entail ? ’
9 Taking a deep breath , as though she were about to plunge into deep water , which successfully parted her mouth , she had her exhaling breath cut off as his mouth touched hers , parting it even further , and a delicious shiver of pleasure went down her spine .
10 Her shiny black eyes watched closely then she flapped her wings just the same way — as if she were about to fly .
11 Melissa felt as if she were about to enter a church .
12 Joshua grabbed Hyacinth by the arm — she had been looking as if she were about to attack her victim 's other eye — and steered her away .
13 She looked as if she were about to cry .
14 When they arrived at the college , it seemed even more forbidding than it had in daylight , and as she walked from the car towards the entrance , Loretta felt as though she were about to cross a threshold in time as well as space .
15 I caught sight of Claire , bright red in the face , looking as if she were about to burst into tears .
16 As she grew older , however , her face grew as well as her hips and bosom , but her way of looking as though she were about to burst out of her clothes became an asset rather thin a disadvantage .
17 But police said children had ignored them and even as rescue workers left the scene they had to warn two more boys who were about to go out on to the ice .
18 These 2 badgers were rescued from baiters who were about to let their dogs kill the animals .
19 One Sunday evening I went into the vestry to speak to a number of my girls who were about to take their first communion .
20 From their earliest days the local groups relied upon the cooperation of schools and education authorities , and to a lesser extent club workers , to supply them with the necessary information concerning pupils who were about to leave school .
21 Similarly , in their daily practice , as in London , each SCC nominated a ‘ responsible helper ’ who first met the headteacher to discuss those juveniles who were about to leave school , and then interviewed the young people themselves and their parents .
22 And that 's how Millie saw them when she entered the kitchen again , carrying the plate of chitterlings : the two people she cared for most , and who were about to lose her , laughing their heads off .
23 In a letter , probably written at Stirling in April 1304 , Edward I referred to letters from Philip the Fair ‘ in which you [ Philip ] have asked us that we should be débonaires and merciful [ merciables ] ’ to the Scots who were about to meet him .
24 She had also been the saviour to many local drinkers who were about to get the bums rush from an irate Knocker , always a painful experience because Knocker rarely bothered to open the door first .
25 Getting in on the act , is the crew of the Marton horse bus ( left ) who were about to become redundant .
26 At one extreme , there might be the virtual monoculture of the new agricultural areas , imposed by their orientation towards a remote world market , and intensified , if not created , by the characteristic mechanism of foreign merchant firms in the great port cities which controlled this export trade — the traditional Greeks who ran the Russian corn trade through Odessa , the Bunges and Borns from Hamburg who were about to fulfil the same function for the River Plate countries from Buenos Aires and Montevideo .
27 ‘ And now , if we could get back to the point , I believe you were about to explain to me about this proposition of yours ? ’
28 ‘ And you were about to say , lass , he 's no friend of yours .
29 Er er it 's ac It occurred to me that what what you were about to say cos Whit
30 Miss Agnew , you were about to say ? ’
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