Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] moved " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Should you come to town , I am sorry that I can not offer you a home pro tempore — pro trumpery indeed it would be , if I did not make any such offer — for unless you occupied the grate as a seat — I see no probability of your finding any rest consonant with the safety of my parrots — seeing , that of the six chairs I possess — 5 are at present occupied with lithographic prints : — the whole of my exalted & delightful upper tenement in fact overflows with them , and for the last 12 months I have so moved — thought — looked at , — & existed among parrots — that should any transmigration take place at my decease I am sure my soul would be very uncomfortable in anything but one of the psittacidae . ’
2 I have recently moved , with two children , two cats and an apparently treacherous abyss where a husband ought to be .
3 I have recently moved into a house on a main road , and I am concerned about the cats playing outside .
4 I have recently moved with my work to Edinburgh and would be interested to hear from other Salford graduates of the same era !
5 I take the opportunity of the publication of your paper to draw attention to these small details , with respect to which I have never moved myself , because until they interest others in the neighbourhood i should be sorry to be supposed to move in them for any interest of my own .
6 Mr is still moving a motion which refers to the party conference proposals which have now moved on to bills before the house .
7 In London the figure is only eighty eight point four percent but even the ninety five percent figure and the eighty eight four percent figures are artificially inflated because those elements include people who have died and not have not been removed from the register , people who have emigrated , people who have otherwise moved to other parts of the country and who it is unreasonable to expect will all be seeking to make use of postal or proxy vote facilities .
8 There are several other groups of managers who have recently moved into shell companies , with the view to picking up good deals in recession-hit markets .
9 For older age groups the conventionally accepted high risk groups have been the very elderly ( i.e. aged 85 + ) , the recently bereaved , those recently discharged from hospital , those living alone and those who have recently moved .
10 The excuse for this trip was to visit Val 's brother and his family , who have recently moved from Regina in the middle of the prairies , to these more temperate and scenically more exciting shores .
11 Arsenal fans still talk about former Highbury heroes Michael Thomas and David Rocastle , the main men from the Championship-winning team who have now moved on to Liverpool and Leeds .
12 Imagine you have just moved in to a new flat .
13 Whether you have just moved into a new home or have been living in the same place for years the main thing is that you are alone and you must make your home your pride , your joy , your sanctuary .
14 But what about any formulae that referred to the cells you have just moved ?
15 No reason is given — but you have just moved house , with a huge mortgage , and paid the deposit on a new kitchen .
16 We should note that we have already moved some way from the Greek conception of democracy as government by the people themselves .
17 We have already moved from a whole season to a single day and the next four lines are narrowed down even further from the universal sun to a fire which exists in a particular person , namely , the speaker .
18 What a long way we have suddenly moved from the point argued in Chapter Five , that in dramatic playing the participant is adopting a function .
19 We have recently moved to an area of Norfolk that is infested with holiday homes : our village is rendered lifeless for half the year , and local people find it impossible to afford homes because prices have been forced up by the greater buying power of outsiders .
20 We have recently moved to this village and I have never been so bored in all my life .
21 To be sure , we have all moved on since films directed by Hitchcock were unravelled in the search for strands of ‘ Catholic guilt ’ , but equally I still teach gay students who find it genuinely empowering to learn of the homosexuality of a cultural figure as one contributing factor to the work that he/she produced .
22 We have now moved off the railway and appear to be moving across country , stopping and starting as someone scouts out ahead .
23 Theoretically , we have now moved beyond psychoanalysis to a position in which the workings of desire are produced through power relations , though the relationship is not a reductive one .
24 Erm by a bit because we have now moved , the Monday morning we are going to have the sewing and the people from the Monday morning , we have put onto the the three other days when we make crackers .
25 We have now moved on from looking at syllables to looking at words , and we will consider certain well-known English words that can be pronounced in two different ways , which are called strong forms and weak forms .
26 Most d-i-yers will probably be less demanding , often only using a heat gun when they have just moved home , or to redecorate a room .
27 If you would like to meet these wonder women they have just moved to larger premises at ( tel : ) where they now have room for seminars , tuition and club visits .
28 They have just moved from their Finaghy Road South base at the crossroads , to the corner of 124A Upper Lisburn Road and Mount Aboo Street — in the heart of the Finaghy shopping centre .
29 It is a tribute to the smoothness of the operation that many private pilots do not realise that they have effectively moved into another country 's airspace when they enter the Jersey zone .
30 Of course in local industry here we 're very strong , or were very strong in the traditional electromechanical teleprinter field , and erm they have now moved into microelectronic solutions for such things and indeed , again , they 're very strong in local industry here , and they 're finding that the flexibility offered by using a microcomputer , not to mention the reliability and so on , is again greatly enhanced by the use the microcomputer rather than traditional movement of keys through bars and so on through to the heads , say , of the device .
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