Example sentences of "[pron] want a game " in BNC.

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1 I want a game this week and the only one available to me is against Somerset 2nds . ’
2 I want a Game Boy .
3 D' ya want a game of table tennis ?
4 came up to me and he did , do you want a game of footy , I said oh
5 Right Tim , do you want a game ?
6 Do you want a game of this ?
7 Do you want a game Kyle ?
8 Do you want a game of Monopoly after that ?
9 He wanted to see , do you want a game which which I 've already got it .
10 Oh I was gon na say we can put telly on in here if you like , if you want a game
11 She said well come and see , she said , and then any time any of you want a game come , I thought that was very sweet of her !
12 Who wants a game of knuckles ?
13 ( This is a word used by Scottish kids when they wanted a game , or activity halted .
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