Example sentences of "[pron] think they ought " in BNC.

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1 Yes I I do I think the bank 's big mistake is their obsession with security cover erm and I think they ought to develop some expertise in judgement of people 's management and entrepreneurial abilities .
2 I think they ought a drop res out of it .
3 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
4 I think they ought to be in the wild .
5 I think they ought to much more than they do , but the plain truth is that they do n't .
6 Oh I think they ought to have them cleaned every year do n't you ?
7 Others , like myself , who knew George , or like Geoff Tulloch , who thought they ought to put in an appearance , travelled by the special minibus hired for the occasion .
8 It then becomes easy in service provision to slip almost unwittingly from providing what we think the clientele requires to providing what we think they ought to have .
9 This last judgement ( although it is commonly made ) is speculative , of course , as the scribe is normally anonymous , but it is analogous to rejecting live speakers from a random sample on the grounds that they do not speak as we think they ought to speak , or rejecting attested spoken forms on the grounds that they are not what we would expect in some particular location .
10 " If long putters enable more people to play without jeopardising the integrity of the game , we think they ought to continue to be used , " Bloch said .
11 The county council has taken those decisions and we think they ought to be debated vigorously and following that discussion , the panel will come to its conclusion .
12 Sister Mary Leahy , who organised the prayer week at Seacroft , explained the purpose of these personal interviews ; ‘ Prayer is a relationship with God , so as a prayer guide , I would want to help people to recognise God in their lives — relating person to person — speaking to God and listening to him — coming to God just as they are and not as they think they ought to be . ’
13 If the English do not like children , it is because they think they ought to behave properly , responsibly and quietly in their presence and can never riot or have a good time when they 're around .
14 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
15 ‘ Well , the rich merchant was very powerful , and he came to control things in the city , and he made everybody do as he thought they ought to do ; snowball-throwing was made illegal , and children had to eat up all their food .
16 at two o'clock this afternoon , er , because he was , he thought they ought to go on , totally rebuild of the fire on the
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