Example sentences of "[pron] say [pron] 'd " in BNC.

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1 Many of them say they 'd like rather more variety .
2 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
3 I say I 'd like a
4 Oh dear , so like I say I 'd you know chat , you know chat away to her because I
5 You did n't consider that , you er i As I say you 'd go out in the morning .
6 So i it was n't a very easy thing then to get them and as I say you 'd be preparing a fare increase which , perhaps a ha'penny on certain fares and a penny on fares above a certain range and you had to allow for depreciation , or resistance in the public travelling but er as long as you could always bring in a little extra from a fare increase it was worthwhile going forward .
7 What you might do , although I say you 'd reject this particular model and that
8 as I say she 'd have everything down , I think I , she definitely needs a big house , but not only that I mean she has to put everything up like
9 Well Jodie wanted to come with us and I phoned up and they could n't get her in so then she started saying well why do n't you stay here mum , and all that , I said yeah just when it bloody suits her she wants you to cook her dinner , said she 'd have been she should have I said she 'd be prepared to pay it , I 've already got her a seat she said
10 I says I 'd like a rise .
11 I says I 'd rather can get Ben to next September , Joseph , Charlotte starts on September and Joseph will be the next one .
12 I says no I ca n't , he says it 's not very far , I said it 's not the distance that bothers me it 's the fact that you want us to sit there till eleven o'clock at night and not get paid for it , he says yeah but if you want to say something , I says I 'd say something if I thought we 'd be backed on it , but we 're not , oh I 'm not going anywhere to be if I 'm not being paid
13 I said I do n't know how you dare sit there and say you have n't paid that Alice , she 's paid a fiver I says I 'd be ashamed , I said I wish mine was only that , so she phoned up to make arrangements to pay it a pound a week thirty two pound , that 's all hers is Wendy , for the year
14 I said we 'd have to talk to everyone in the darts club , ’ said Burden , stopping down at the water 's edge , ‘ and I reckon we have .
15 Why should n't Fanshawe just have said to his wife , ‘ This young lady has missed her last train and since she lives in London I said we 'd give her a lift ’ ?
16 I said we 'd be back by half past six and we are , ’ Carrie said .
17 I said we 'd go away together for the weekend , ’ said Preston .
18 I said we 'd be delighted .
19 That 's John , me boy , he 's a docker down the erm down the dock he got a weeks holiday this week , so I took me other boy and me daughter out last week and erm we 'd left her with dogs so I said we 'd take them out one day perhaps when he get his holiday .
20 I said we 'd sooner sleep under the hedges .
21 I said we 'd go and watch her . ’
22 I said we 'd need a table of your own then
23 I said we 'd bring her .
24 er , I said if it had been a normal Saturday I said we 'd have cancelled that you know , we 'd have met you in Duffley but er , I said my mum 's supposed to be dancing .
25 walls , he was knocking to do them pipes , I said if we have any more holes in that wall , I said we 'd be completely with
26 She 'll be round on Friday afternoon or Saturday some time I said we 'd be here from four o'clock on Friday so I 'll take it down to John 's today then it 's away to work I 've got the rubbish in the bins right ?
27 Christine I said we 'd meet her by the baked beans so
28 Yeah I said we 'd erm drive over to Marion 's on our way out and then give her a pressie .
29 well I said we 'd pick up aunty Jean at twenty too eight
30 But then when I 'd strengthened her up I said she 'd be alright for a few days .
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