Example sentences of "[pron] i 'd been " in BNC.

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1 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
2 His friend held my other hand and told me I 'd been brave .
3 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
4 Yes well we I I 'd been working on the Menai Suspension Bridge repa you know , when they were rep doing the repairing like .
5 He I I 'd been to them over a a period of about two years erm with all sorts o of different problems and in the end he said , You know I can increase your drugs but that wo n't help .
6 ‘ In 1980 I was 19 and just coming to the end of The Skids , which I 'd been in since I was 15 .
7 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
8 For one thing Harlow is the sort of town which I 'd been agitating for both before and after the war whenever I was speaking on behalf of the Labour Party both at street corners and at public meetings on the type of life we vis envisaged for a normal person in the land .
9 One evening we filmed at six o'clock a commercial which I 'd been handed in script form at five o'clock the same evening .
10 A lot of them related to the data I 'd been passing but also he 'd want to know who I 'd been talking to .
11 And I took it to my bank manager who I 'd been with for God knows , all my life , so nearly twenty years , and er he just laughed me straight out of the room .
12 ‘ Later I told you I 'd been overreacting , ’ Luke reminded her tightly .
13 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
14 ‘ The one against Ruddock was more natural , more instinctive , something I 'd been working on .
15 Look , ’ and she opened her handbag and reached inside , ‘ this was one I 'd been saving for him — ’ Her voice cracked and she began to cry .
16 Which would presumably be the one I 'd been brought out through .
17 I told him I 'd been talking to Richie .
18 I gave him the booklet and I told him I 'd been doing it … oh , yes , and he 'd put it in as one of his objectives for this year .
19 ‘ But he seemed genuinely interested , particularly when I told him I 'd been round one of the stations on a Come & See tour .
20 I 'd told her I 'd been away filming in Scotland that night . ’
21 I told her I 'd been dreaming and she sat on the bed and held my hand for a bit .
22 I 'd been dreaming , that 's what I 'd been doing .
23 During that week I felt the Lord speak to me and I knew that this is what I 'd been looking for all my life and I decided to follow Jesus .
24 ‘ That 's just what I 'd been thinking ! ’ answered Gabriel in surprise .
25 The actual experience was n't frightening me so much as what I 'd been told .
26 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
27 so it was totally different work from what I 'd been used to .
28 I feel that it was actually so quick — not at all what I 'd been led to expect from antenatal classes — that I could n't savour the birth or get used to the idea .
29 I do n't know what I 'd been expecting .
30 ‘ No , you came here wanting to know what I 'd been saying to Mr Kronweiser today . ’
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