Example sentences of "[pron] it hope [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Auditing Practices Board 's discussion paper on the future direction of auditing ( see p 88 ) has been given a warm welcome by most of the profession , and the debate which it hoped to stimulate is already underway .
2 The Ministry of the Interior , anxious about the security implications of labour unrest , experimented from 1901–3 with police-run labour organizations through which it hoped to direct working-class energy from political towards purely economic and cultural aims .
3 Nuclear Electric said it will spend £800,000 on modifications to the plant and the case for its operation at lower power levels , which it hopes to submit by autumn for restart by the end of the year .
4 Messerschmitt is developing another bogie , with controlled slip and with wheel profiles designed for high speeds , which it hopes to test on a new inter-city experimental train at 350 km/h .
5 Gulfstream holds twelve letters of intent and initial deposits which it hopes to convert to firm contracts this month , and says that market studies suggest that the worldwide fleet of large bizjets will double over the next twelve years through increased globalisation of major businesses , fuelling demand for ultra long range aircraft .
6 Anglo-Welsh remains significantly smaller than the major national brewers with whom it hopes to compete .
7 NEW listeners and new comedy writing talent that 's what BBC Radio 4 tells me it hopes to gain from a three-day stay at Liverpool University this week .
8 Three weeks after IBM Corp decreed that its European manufacturing plants will become , at least in part , autonomous business units , exactly what it hopes to achieve is still foggy .
9 Doctor Ian Craig the organiser of the human gene conference told John Walmsley what it hopes to achieve .
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