Example sentences of "[pron] have been able " in BNC.

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1 And , with Norway roaring away at the top of England 's World Cup group , everyone has been able to see their quality .
2 They were allowed to see it for one hour , before it was taken back , and none of them has been able to get hold of it since .
3 Retracing my steps , I realized with a shock that I was no more able to find my way back to the village than I 'd been able to find the place we 'd been raking .
4 I wished I 'd been able to take a photograph of gaunt-face , but I 'd been more keen to listen .
5 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
6 Maybe if I 'd been able to do some kind of planche , like your painter friend did on your … back , it would have been easy , but what I had to do was first try to get something akin to an erection standing at the copier of a deserted office on a holiday .
7 I was surprised I 'd been let in at all , surprised that I 'd been able to wander freely about the second and first floors of the cold labyrinthian building of stairwells , escalators and concrete locker-lined corridors .
8 It was going to help me , with what I had in mind , the fact that I 'd been able to wise him up on that .
9 She said sharply , ‘ My romantic novels enabled you girls to have a carefree life , the sort of life I wish I 'd been able to give your father . ’
10 I 'll tell Sheila straightaway ’ made me feel that , at last , I 'd been able to give them some good news .
11 If I 'd been able to guess at the future , the turning point would have been right there — wheeling the ship around and moving as fast as possible away from anything to do with Fraxilly .
12 Mala asked , her voice as raw as I 'm sure men would have sounded , if I 'd been able to speak .
13 Assuming that I 'd been able to drag the dinghy in a fairly straight line — though I might have gone astray a bit when I was stumbling in the mud — Joanna should be lying more or less straight ahead , and a good deal nearer than when I 'd left , for it was near high water then , and now it was about the last of the ebb .
14 If I 'd been able to think straight five years ago , I 'd never have married you .
15 It was so light , compared to the heavy duty G3 , that I 'd been able to forget I was carrying it .
16 She said , with a catch in her voice , ‘ I — I wish very much that I 'd been able to meet him . ’
17 I 'd have told Jamie as much , too , if I 'd been able to talk and had n't been concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other .
18 ‘ If I had been able to run my own theatre , like Alan Ayckbourn or Neil Simon , I would definitely have directed all my plays myself .
19 I had been able to have a couple of hours ' sleep here and there since the landings and , most important , I was able to move around more or less as I wanted to .
20 If I had been able to see a copy of the local Communist party paper , I would have learned that I — with many others — had been unmasked as a conspirator and an enemy of the state .
21 He found it extraordinary that I had been able simply to get into a car in Britain and drive unhindered to Roztoky .
22 It was thus that I had been able to gain some sense of the sort of place Miss Kenton had gone to live her married life .
23 Since those days I have sometimes wished that I had been able to record on tape the conversations I had with Gilbert Harding , who was an intellectual .
24 I felt good inside , too , because I had been able , in some tangible way , to thank Ron , my girlfriend and my parents for all their help and support .
25 Before returning from England I had been able to recruit a very competent English journalist , F.W. Benton , who soon improved the quality of our English daily .
26 I could have run away , but I had no money and , even if I had been able to borrow it , I should still have been too frightened because I had nowhere to run to .
27 I wish I had been able to help .
28 I accept that you do n't want my condolences , but if I had been able to speak the right words , they would not have been insincere . ’
29 I knew that I could achieve results despite the difficulties , and I knew that I had been able to demonstrate the ability to work with people of other countries .
30 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
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