Example sentences of "[pron] have previously been " in BNC.

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1 I 'd previously been trained in management and I did n't want to be an audio typist .
2 I had previously been successful in negotiating a settlement between the Boulting brothers and Elvin 's union , where I had enjoyed establishing a warm and friendly relationship With both sides .
3 For my part it brought to light fascinating aspects of English language use about whose existence I had previously been quite unaware — or , perhaps better , about whose extent I had previously been quite unaware .
4 For my part it brought to light fascinating aspects of English language use about whose existence I had previously been quite unaware — or , perhaps better , about whose extent I had previously been quite unaware .
5 ‘ It is difficult to believe otherwise , ’ she says in an editorial , ‘ that certain television professionals have deliberately ‘ pushed out the boat ’ in calculated attempts to normalise language and behaviour which has previously been seen — and then only occasionally — in very late/early morning films . ’
6 Paper which has previously been dampened is placed on top of the plate and then felt blankets over all , the whole is rolled through the press between the heavy rollers .
7 We 're not pressing teams and making it difficult for them , which has previously been the basis of our success .
8 One method which has previously been tried , albeit unsuccessfully , seeks to invoke principles of international law that would allegedly relieve taxpayers from their liability to pay tax on the ground that their assessments are rendered invalid by the unlawful purposes to which the taxes levied are to be applied .
9 Organisations such as the British Mountaineering Council see this as the thin end of the wedge where payment will be demanded for access to land which has previously been open to the public .
10 DEC is likely to add an open application programming interface to ACMS , which has previously been available only on VMS-based server systems .
11 In this study nifedipine plus diuretic lowered blood pressure more effectively than propranolol plus diuretic , which has previously been shown to be effective in black hypertensive patients .
12 Next ‘ twilight ’ and ‘ sunset ’ are juxtaposed with the ‘ black ’ of the ‘ night ’ and the introduction of the word ‘ death ’ which has previously been alluded to but has not yet been mentioned .
13 Another mechanism which has previously been considered important is the repression of emotional events ( Freud , 1915/1957 ) , although there is some support for such an effect in the long term studies of personal memories discussed later , repression as a mechanism has received relatively little attention in the recent literature in cognitive psychology .
14 An SPR may report a fault which has previously been reported and replied to via an SSR .
15 The user has attempted to submit a package which has previously been submitted and is currently in QA for approval .
16 You have tried to create a LIFESPAN user which has previously been created .
17 An SPR may report a fault which has previously been reported and replied to via an SSR .
18 The same RNA samples from several cell lines were probed for ATF1 RNA , β2-microglobulin RNA ( as a monitor of differentiation ( 46 ) ) and CREB RNA which has previously been shown to be present at similar levels in UF9 and DF9 cells ( 47 ) .
19 French-style café-bars have been a runaway success over here because they address a market which had previously been actively excluded by the ‘ pub tradition ’ — namely women .
20 High-density seating with many rows fixed in face-to-back mode , together with much more standing room , enabled trains which had previously been formed of three old DMU vehicles to be scheduled for two Sprinter vehicles .
21 It surfaced , for example , in the suggestion that museums and art galleries , which had previously been open to the public free of charge , should begin to charge for admission .
22 It could mean the recovery for the communal purposes of the monastery of land which had previously been regarded by an aristocratic family as a private-property share in its endowments .
23 These excavations produced 706 bronze coins inscribed HISPANORUM , which had previously been very rare , and thereby indicated that their mint should be located at Serra Orlando .
24 The growth of formal education systems could not have taken place without the incorporation of sectors in society , which had previously been excluded .
25 The institutions which had previously been set up to aid small farmers had their lending capacity cut considerably , making it difficult for many of the beneficiaries to find sufficient capital .
26 For some years , the Purnells had been using the River Frome , the lower stretch of which had previously been dredged and cleared by Richard Owen Cambridge of Whitminster , to move coal and iron to and from the Severn to their mills at Framilode and Fromebridge .
27 A drop of the clear supernatant fluid was placed on an agar plate , which had previously been thickly planted with M. lysodeikticus , and the plate was incubated at 37°C. for 24 hours , when it showed a copious growth of the coccus , except in the region where the nasal mucus had been placed .
28 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
29 At that time , some working class youths in London adopted as their uniform the long ‘ Edwardian ’ coats and tight trousers which had previously been worn by young men-about-town at the time of the New Look .
30 However , at the end of 1981 a new superintendent instituted changes which included moving a number of the area 's community police-officers to other duties and clamping down on the activities by local youths which had previously been tolerated .
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