Example sentences of "[pron] a hard time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Giving you a hard time , is she ? ’
2 If you wonder why people give you a hard time , it 's because you write shit like this .
3 ‘ At prop , if you do not show aggression and attack your opposite number , whilst contributing to making sure that your own ball is protected , you can be certain that your opponents will give you a hard time .
4 ‘ Luke been giving you a hard time ? ’
5 ‘ Did she give you a hard time ? ’
6 While your friends are giving you a hard time at present if you persist and refuse to indulge in drug taking they should eventually accept you as a non-user .
7 We d Okay we do n't know , we want to ask them we w So if you are an MP in North Yorkshire and er you think I 'm giving you a hard time and I know you sneakily listen to this programme , I know you listen .
8 Sorry for giving you a hard time there .
9 He gave everyone a hard time .
10 Man , the pussy christians give me a harder time .
11 Do n't give me a hard time , McLeish , just bloody do it . ’
12 But he gave me a hard time .
13 ‘ This magazine has been giving me a hard time .
14 I 'm left with the fact that they knock me up in the middle of the night , turn my place over , give me a hard time , then just forget about it all .
15 ‘ Mister , you 're givin' me a hard time , you are , and just when I 'm thinking I 've met a real gent for a change .
16 But no , it seemed to be the local name for the twenty kilo fish which was giving me a hard time , though later someone else called it a kingfish .
17 I sure hope you 're not going to give me a hard time after I just travelled three thousand miles to see you , ’ Donna said , her eyes crinkling as she gave Alex another bear hug .
18 ‘ Do n't give me a hard time , ’ she begged .
19 ‘ Just stop giving me a hard time and leave me alone . ’
20 I know I 've been a bit stupid , but I 'm trying to get my act together and all Luke-do-it-all-Denner does is give me a hard time !
21 Let herself go a bit — ye get that with women whose men are giving them a hard time , and who hav'na found a way of getting their retaliation in first . ’
22 Yet Wakefield gave them a hard time throughout .
23 The daughters-in-law made it clear that Mrs J. had given all of them a hard time over the years .
24 On reaching the Spanish borders where officials gave them a hard time , Norman thought it advisable if Minton drove off .
25 The Doctor had wanted to run straight back into danger , as was his wont , but she had persuaded him that on this occasion at least , some forethought and preparation would be a better idea than just leaving everything to chance and inspiration , particularly as the former seemed hell bent on giving them a hard time of things .
26 Is she giving them a hard time ?
27 Giving them a hard time down there .
28 Is she giving them a hard time ?
29 Giving them a hard time down there .
30 The press gave him a hard time for his swing and his technique , but I love his attitude .
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