Example sentences of "[pron] be discovered [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The House of Lords held that in the absence of a contractual relationship between the parties , the cost of repairing a defect in the structure , which was discovered before the defect had caused personal injury or physical damage to other property , was not recoverable in a negligence action .
2 Few scholars have been allowed to see them since they were discovered but now they are being examined , one phrase is causing a heated arguement .
3 Only recently has it been discovered that they come to these special places to gather specific minerals such as kaolin which neutralise the poison they have absorbed from the seeds they eat at this season of the year .
4 And if it 's discovered that I spent most of my childhood in care , then reporters could make enquiries and turn it into a big thing . ’
5 However , if you receive a groin kick and it is discovered that you are not wearing a guard , then you will automatically be disqualified , regardless of whose fault the low kick was !
6 When it is discovered that the combination of certain proportions of charcoal , sulphur and saltpetre produces disagreeable results , then there is no reason why the benefits of gunpowder should be restricted to China .
7 But when it is discovered that a substance harms women 's reproductive health , women of childbearing age are usually kept from jobs that might expose them to it .
8 If it turns out that this is not the case , if it is discovered that the prohibition denies the would-be rapists more of a chance to pursue the good life than it gives their possible victims , then one may have to adjust other features of the political framework to make sure that this does not result in inequality of ability to pursue one 's conception of the good .
9 However , where it is discovered that the tax law does not have the effect that the Government and taxpayers generally thought it had , there are circumstances in which it is right to introduce legislation to restore the position retrospectively to what it was thought to be .
10 Years later it is discovered that Grom reached the Elven Kingdoms of Ulthuan , causing great destruction until finally defeated by the High Elves .
11 When the sentence has been passed , possibly ( as the sentencer indicated in this case ) with the benefit of some mitigation , it is discovered that the means to pay either did not exist or have in one way or another disappeared .
12 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
13 But if it is discovered and threatened , it twists its legs outwards and arches its back in such an extreme contortion that it suddenly and disconcertingly exposes its underside — and that is a vivid scarlet , a spectacular warning that its skin contains a burning poison .
14 The German had intended to ride his Olympic gold medal partner , Walzerkoenig , on Saturday night until a few hours earlier when it was discovered that the horse 's off-foreleg was inexplicably swollen .
15 The row erupted on Tuesday when it was discovered that , by a quirk of the rulebook , Mr Le Pen 's neo-fascists would chair the assembly 's permanent delegations to Switzerland and Israel .
16 Mortified , all the other political leaders voted to change the rules to exclude the far-right MEPs from their new posts , especially after it was discovered that Mr Le Pen 's man for Israel was likely to be from West Germany 's Republicans , led by an ex-SS officer , Franz Schonhuber .
17 But this question was quickly resolved when it was discovered that Coggan much preferred moving to York and not London .
18 There was no more objective reason why firearms should not have been used in burglaries and bank hold-ups thirty or sixty years ago than today ; but it ‘ was n't done ’ — until it was discovered that it was done , that you could do it .
19 When it was discovered that a member of the Immigration Department was in the National Front his seniors merely glossed over it , saying that he was not a permanent member and in any case it did not affect the way he carried out his duties .
20 Upon investigation , it was discovered that her Askins inheritance , held in trust , enabled her to have a mortgage of just £1,500 .
21 One Borstal inmate , Rodney Ackland , was expelled from the company when it was discovered that he had written a highbrow play while employed as a BIP screenwriter .
22 It was discovered that the five year contract he had signed with the right wing government three days before the general elections entitled him to £724,000 .
23 Her crew were all rescued , but it was discovered that the Delima was not , in fact , a water-carrier , as had originally been claimed , but a support ship for a massive fleet of between 60 and 130 Taiwanese drift-net vessels , fishing for albacore tuna along an area of oceanic upwelling known as the Subtropical Convergence Zone , stretching across the South Pacific in a narrow 300-km ( 200-mile ) band from south of the Cook Islands to south of French Polynesia .
24 A frisson of concern ran through the staff when it was discovered that items have only been routinely fumigated against pathogens since the 1950s .
25 When Ben was eventually found , in the Chapel House Estate , it was discovered that he had previously been looked after in a place called Jesmond .
26 Her husband began to complain of headaches and lethargy and after a period of investigation in hospital it was discovered that he had a malignant cerebral tumour .
27 In 1250 it was discovered that the lands which Aubrey , a forester of fee of Whittlewood Forest , held by serjeanty in Northamptonshire , had been alienated in part , and that ‘ the serjeanty of Peter of Minton in Shropshire , for which he ought to keep the forest of Long Mynd and the hays of Bushmoor and Haycrust ’ had been ‘ alienated in part by divers parcels ’ .
28 It was discovered that , under about thirty feet of vegetable loam , there existed one of the most fascinating graveyards , containing the remains of early animals which had hunted , fed and drank in the swamps .
29 In a major study of poor families in the inner city , it was discovered that a large majority of parents saw the teacher as a person of authority whose action they were prepared to back up , especially if they saw it as strict .
30 When Elizabeth discovered this clandestine liaison , she was livid and when , some short time later , it was discovered that Dudley found his second wife an inconvenience and tried to poison her , the whole Amy Robsart affair flared up once more .
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