Example sentences of "[pron] be able go " in BNC.

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1 The candidate whose immediate queries are along the lines of , ‘ When will I get my first pay rise ? ’ , or ‘ Will I be able to go on holiday in July ? ’ will probably not be putting the job first and certainly lacks the good sense and tact to make it appear to be the priority .
2 I was able to go to see her in hospital .
3 Before and after his marriage , Nicholson could date happily without fear of a single solitary piece of salacious writing in any newspaper or magazine — ‘ complete anonymity in social exchange ’ was the way he described his situation — or , as a further succinct explanation , ‘ I was able to go around picking up stray pussy . ’
4 But your Report that it was a gas-lid — I was able to go ahead with it and I got compensation . ’
5 I was able to go home for Christmas with my new friends .
6 I was able to go to Westminster for fairly regular lectures and we added anthropology to our social psychology studies .
7 The lucky part for me was that I was able to go from school and do what I wanted to do .
8 Fortunately I was able to go to a rehabilitation and assessment centre for two weeks .
9 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
10 The mill was quite close to home so in the lunch hour I was able to go home to see to my mother who was ill at the time . ’
11 ’ And then mercifully he lost interest and fell asleep and I was able to go back to my researches in the library .
12 So then I was able to go back to the library . ’
13 Ever since I was able to go into Porteneil alone and check things up in the library my father has had to be pretty straight with me , but when I was younger he used to fool me time after time , answering my honest if naive questions with utter rubbish .
14 Well , the thing I mainly notice when last week when Paul was home , not last week , the week before last I had Paul solidly at home , he moved himself entirely in lock , stock and barrel at the weekend , he was then with me waiting for his job and he went out every day and did little bit 's of shopping for me , got him from under my feet , saved me money , cos I was only buying what I absolutely needed , and the amount of time that I had , I mean I was able to go out for the whole day with Peggy on Wednesday , I was able to get food prepared and , admittedly I did n't manage to get as much done as I thought I was going to do , but then I think that 's with most people in life ,
15 And I was able to go and shop without everybody else helping .
16 a huge island in the middle , and erm went all the way round , and anyway I , I made a path out of flints from , taken from all the mud , and worked my way round , and then started to plant things , and a hawthorn hedge , bushes and shrubs , and erm my son gave me a boat and I was able to go across to the island .
17 And I was able to go and talk to her in Washington , and , and really feel that history was coming alive .
18 think there has to be a er family planning centres have to more on the street , I think family planning clinics have got the people there who are able to go out on the street .
19 Such symptoms are far less likely to trouble you if you gradually reduce your intake until you are able to go without the substances altogether .
20 This is a good game to play if you are able to go outside .
21 I 'm wondering if I should ring them actually , from unit , and ask them if tell them what 's happening and will she be able to go on Income Support if she does give it up ?
22 NOW that the World Cup is over and we are back to the league games again , I think that all rugby supporters who were able to go to the matches or to watch it on television must admit that rugby was the winner .
23 ‘ I do n't suppose you were able to go for a run this morning in this weather ? ’
24 She need not send in her own pension book , but should have it with her if she is able to go with you to the Social Security Office .
25 She felt depressed and frightened by the time the shop closed and she was able to go home .
26 Most of us believe that accidents always happen to someone else , which I suppose is how we are able to go about our everyday lives .
27 What his solicitor is asking is whether we 're able to go ahead .
28 ‘ As long as we 're able to go to the cemetery we will keep an eye on Brian 's grave . ’
29 Once we become aware of what we are doing , will we be able to go on being wasteful with our precious resources ?
30 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
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