Example sentences of "[pron] treat [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 So , whilst they may encourage an atmosphere of informal comradeship and sociable learning , college teachers are not your equals and you should not expect them to treat you as such .
2 ‘ She treated me like a workman and I treated her as the owner . ’
3 The size of the brood was only six fish but as these were my first Cardinal Tetras I treated them as a normal spawning , with partial weekly water changes .
4 I was feeling so bad that I treated it as a kind of moral victory that I was able to empty most of the water out of the obviously Gav-filled kettle and leave the level at the minimum mark .
5 I treat it as a compliment that people say I 'm a marked man now , though I doubt it 's true . ’
6 ‘ My Lords , I have already disclaimed the intention of discussing the scope of the rule in O'Reilly v. Mackman but , even if I treat it as a general rule , there are many indications in favour of a liberal attitude towards the exceptions contemplated but not spelt out by Lord Diplock .
7 She was determined to allow nobody to treat her as a child in future — not Sam , not Adam , not Elinor , not Buzz , and certainly not Miranda .
8 Fergus felt a surge of real anger now , because how dare she treat him as an inferior , how dare she speak to him as if he was no more than one of her serfs , a possession , a pawn , a thing .
9 After three years fostered to a kindly couple who treated her as their own , she went back to live with her mother .
10 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
11 Builders were treated as craftsmen and learnt to work alongside this new generation of client , who treated them as a fount of all wisdom .
12 He was a form of Guru to the airmen who frequently took their problems to him , rather like the simple Arab in the desert who treated him as some form of God .
13 and you treated it as a function of a function .
14 And when you treated it as a function of a function you get that that thing inside there was the function
15 I kept a set of clothes at my Mother 's house — she treated me as a contemporary , so allowed me to do as I wished — and on Friday afternoons , I 'd catch the bus from school to spend the week-end there .
16 He loved her humour and the fact that she treated him as an equal , although their business was always conducted on the most formal lines .
17 Barbara was wonderful : unlike some people who had known him as a child , she treated him as an adult .
18 She treated him as a malnourished curiosity , swooping down on him with tender cluckings , and seductive titbits — a crab claw , a lychee , a chocolate truffle — asking him to describe God , or Heaven , or sin , treating him as a confessional , trying to dress him up as a cardinal , showing him off to her friends .
19 She treated him as if she were his prep-school matron .
20 It can be very nice for an older woman to have a partner who treats her as an equal , ’ says Dr Tysoe .
21 This , showing that he is interested in what they have said unlike Banquo who treats it as a joke .
22 You treat them as what they are — squares of painted canvas .
23 Quoting extensively from a textbook in a PhD thesis , for example ( especially if you treat it as an authority rather than as something for critical comment ) is likely to give the wrong impression : that you are a beginner rather than an expert in your subject .
24 The secondary premise of Sean 's Show , as described by producer Katie Lander , is that ‘ he 's being controlled by scriptwriters who treat him as a sitcom character .
25 He could be photographed using the concept keyboard ( and outgrowing the available programmes ) , being squeezed half-way into a hotel loo ( as part of the Access Group ) or simply having a laugh with friends on the scheme who treat him as an equal .
26 Moore would surely grant that there is an indefinability of the word which follows from the fact that what it labels is indefinable , while those who treat it as a statement about a word see it as turning upon what the word is supposed to stand for .
27 We treated her as a girl with problems , not a problem girl .
28 WE TREATED it as a hostage-taking ’ , says John Dalzell , director of communications for the Montreal Police Force .
29 It could be just the way we treat you as a customer .
30 This then set the agenda for how we study the brain ; we treat it as a large reflex arc and trace the circuit from the stimulus ‘ analysers ’ to the motor system .
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