Example sentences of "[pron] else be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bowles refused to go as his wife was ill and asked that someone else be sent to Scotland .
2 Someone else was blown out by the cool-warm gale , tottering into her as the car howled away .
3 Unfortunately Wisden at that time did not put symbols against the name of the wicketkeeper to tell if someone else was roped in to keep .
4 Leeds were better right from kickoff and we had two early chances , Deane hitting a post and someone else being saved on the goal-line .
5 As nobody else is mentioned we assume that the speaker ate the breakfast herself .
6 He professed to be unnerved by Wordsworth 's towering self-esteem , which he judged a form of dementia because Wordsworth himself considered that nobody else was elevated enough to measure it .
7 Just the two of them : nobody else was involved .
8 However , the spokesman said : ‘ It now looks as though they had been fighting each other and nobody else was involved . ’
9 Nobody else was moved over the next couple of days so we talked endlessly about what it might mean .
10 Nobody else was asked .
11 He could criticize ‘ Alan ’ , but nobody else was allowed to .
12 ‘ Incidentally , when Inez went Matthew collected all her belongings together , everything that reminded him of her , and stored them in one of the attics ; nobody else was allowed to touch the stuff .
13 Nobody else was hurt , but surrounding houses were scorched by heat from the blast .
14 Nobody else was convinced by the official version of Simon 's divorce .
15 Oh , who else is gone ?
16 With the camping , yes , where do we go , who else is involved , again the openings for referrals .
17 The receiver must know who else is acquainted with the memo 's contents
18 While it is clear that a trespasser is a ‘ stranger ’ for this purpose , we can only conjecture who else is included in the term .
19 ‘ So who else was involved ? ’
20 I mean sexy little telephone calls between he who will be king and his , is she a mistress , is she a girlfriend , is she merely a friend , but at any event she 's married and her husband 's in the next bedroom as far as we can gather , you know erm do those kind of conversations and would , I mean maybe it 's important to sort of say and Anne probably has this , but Peter might not , I mean when I grew up the Royal Family were a cert sort of image and you might have known about George the Third who was mad , I mean who else was brought up George the Third was mad and Geor an and this guy was a , a drunk and this guy was a a womaniser , this guy was this , but Victoria you know mourned for sixty years or whatever it was , but this Royal Family , I E the , the Royal Family with which I grew up and Anne did were really sweet nice little Windsors who behaved themselves and that was what was , went into our psychic and there was the odd crack about Phil the Great who 's the Queen 's husband , you know and how he perhaps had an eye for the ladies , but there was never any photographs of him being or any evidence that it might have gone further than that particular and basically there was , that any , there was the fact that he was a sailor when he married the Queen anyway so all sailors are like that are n't they !
21 The energy behind Earth Lights undoubtedly has electromagnetic properties , but there are other aspects of the energy , such as its ability to respond to the consciousness of the percipients , which suggests something else is involved .
22 For the rest something else is needed , and that is where the distraction display comes into operation .
23 Something else is needed .
24 Our findings suggest that this inclusion is the primary determinant of whether a landmark will be used to predict where something else is located .
25 For that , something else is required : ‘ Will , not force , ’ said T H Green , ‘ is the basis of the state ’ .
26 It is enough , for an event to be a standard effect , that something else was required for its existence .
27 When it was clear something else was needed , Major and Lamont tried interest rate rises .
28 Well I 'm sure that 's why I 've put that there look , that 's the same colour pen no one else is got anything so it is them .
29 They insisted that no one else was involved and vowed to stay close for the sake of their daughter Rose , four .
30 Benjamin stammered out an apologetic request — how he would appreciate it if no one else was told about our visit .
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