Example sentences of "[pron] plan for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the autumn of 1983 my plans for health were well under way .
2 In the next five years NASA was expecting to spend a further $15 billion on its plans for space station Freedom .
3 Computerworld interprets IBM 's willingness to make public its plans for OS/2 3.0 as the latest advance in the clash with Microsoft Corp : having lost out in the personal computer operating system game , where OS/2 is lagging far behind compared with MS-DOS and Windows , IBM is trying to position the next generation OS/2 competitively against Microsoft 's forthcoming NT operating system .
4 Britain has always said that , despite its plans for union , Maastricht fails to answer the question posed by the end of the Cold War : how to bring the former communist countries into Europe , and expand the EC to include up to 20 members .
5 The Government has changed its plans for education including the abandonment of league tables of test results for seven and fourteen-year-olds .
6 By 1982 , however , when the CEGB firmly announced its plans for Hinkley C , the public attitude towards nuclear power was changing .
7 AT&T Co is stepping up its battle with British Telecommunications Plc with launch of its WorldSource customised communication services for multinationals , and has announced its plans for Europe and the Far East .
8 The government disclosed its plans for WCY on the last day of January simultaneously in London and six cities , courtesy of British Telecom 's £200 an hour Confravision service .
9 While Microsoft is committed to a future custom version of NT that 's B2 secure , its plans for network security are not clear .
10 Together with other departments , the Department of Public relations , as the Information Office was now called , was asked to submit its plans for reconstruction when we should get to Burma .
11 The environmental pressure group Glasgow For People said that it had called on MPs to urge Strathclyde to cancel its plans for Glasgow road projects costing more than £200 million .
12 Seoul , South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Ltd has changed its plans for Hewlett-Packard Co 's Precision Architecture RISC and now says it will be working solely on superscalar versions of the chip , Electronic Engineering Times claims .
13 Taken in conjunction with the deal with Novell Inc to put Macintosh up on Intel Corp platforms ( UX No 433 ) and its plans for Mac on RISC architectures — see front page — Apple has clearly recognised that it needs hearts and minds in the ISV community , says Echo president Brad Burnham .
14 Taken in conjunction with the deal with Novell Inc to put the Macintosh System up on Intel Corp systems and its plans for Mac on RISC architectures , Apple has clearly recognised that it needs hearts and minds in the independent software vendor community , says Echo president Brad Burnham .
15 When , for example , Matsushita decided to build an export-oriented air-conditioner plant in Malaysia , it also had to adjust its plans for investment in Mexico and its export policies from Japan .
16 Basil 's widowed father , a natural son of the Earl of Sandwich , formed part of Wordsworth 's circle of London friends , and the proposal that Wordsworth and Dorothy should become responsible for the child was from the beginning an important part of their plans for life at Racedown .
17 They 'd made their plans for escape .
18 The recent letter of intent signed by AT&T and Novell in which they revealed their plans for AT&T to sell Unix System Laboratories ( the home of System V Unix ) is of enormous importance .
19 As a result of this , multinationals and large companies must reappraise their plans for expansion by cross-border acquisition and merger in the light of EC competition policy .
20 When the government set up Local Enterprise Companies as an important tool for economic development there was no place in their plans for trade union representation .
21 We will require all government departments to report annually on their plans for market-testing , and progress in achieving it , in their own services and in those of their associated agencies .
22 Given the confusion surrounding their plans for railway privatisation , perhaps the Government ought to demand the same test for all of its would-be railway experts .
23 Their plans for No 11 confirm that the couple are not expecting imminent eviction .
24 The Philadelphia foursome are terrified that romance could wreck their plans for stardom .
25 Their plans for growth are threatened by their apparent inability to find , retain and manage key staff — in fact , they rate the problem higher than the level of interest rates .
26 When Mr Rowland bid for the group in 1981 , he and his colleagues were grilled by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission about their plans for Harrods .
27 But others were pushing — notably such local authorities as Liverpool and Bristol who wanted from London a strong lead ( and money ) in pressing forward their plans for comprehensives .
28 The resistance of Ulster had not been created by British Unionists and could hardly be said to depend on them , but the knowledge of support was certainly useful to Carson and Craig in giving their plans for rebellion an official look .
29 Nevertheless , the Guidance suggests that local authorities review service provision plans for children in need in the same way as they are required by regulation to review their plans for children they are looking after ( see Chapter 16 , 8 ) .
30 The model on which he and others based their plans for museums was that in Paris where Cuvier , Jussieu and Lamarck had worked in Napoleonic Paris .
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