Example sentences of "[pron] suggest that the " in BNC.

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1 Before doing this they had first made enquiries about the car 's history from its previous owner and learnt nothing suggesting that the odometer reading was false .
2 I suggest that the effect can be traced , experimentally , to a resonance effect known in physics as cyclotron resonance .
3 I suggest that the proposed scheme would have the following advantages :
4 I suggest that the most important question to ask about any parasite is this .
5 I suggest that the regrets can be kept to a minimum by using the following steps :
6 I suggest that the general public also regard statements about animal tested products with caution , as it is well known that many of these products have had extremely adverse effects on human beings .
7 I suggest that the present handicap system should be printed on a couple of toilet rolls and used accordingly !
8 But I suggest that the human will be wetting itself for some time . ’
9 I suggest that the floppy funhouse groove of ‘ Oblong ’ — from the trio 's new ‘ Top Up ’ EP — is strongly reminiscent of Happy Mondays , and they do n't immediately nut me .
10 This is better news , but I suggest that the utmost vigilance will still be needed by teachers and associations such as NARE and UKRA to ensure that assessment and testing are not allowed to exercise a deleterious effect on schools .
11 I suggest that the discrepancy between the climate modelling results which indicate seasonal temperature extremes , and the increasing body of geological information documenting a temperate climate , may be explained by the fact that the palaeogeography used in the models does not take into account the existence of these lakes and rivers , which would have had a major influence on the regional climate .
12 I suggest that the mirror has severe distortions , and perhaps Harley is seeing things grossly out of proportion .
13 In summary , I suggest that the debates about the prognosis for contract law can be conveniently reduced to two liberal perspectives on the fundamental question of the enforceability of contracts , which parallel broader debates about the relation between the citizen and the state .
14 I suggest that the answer to this can be found by looking to theories of the family and to legal structures .
15 I suggest that the impact is just as forceful for older children .
16 I suggest that the reason for the relatively precise meaning of the former stems from the fact that the concept plays a specific , well-defined role in a precise , structured theory , Newtonian mechanics .
17 I suggest that the typical history of a concept , whether it be ‘ chemical element ’ , ‘ atom ’ , ‘ the unconscious ’ , or whatever , involves the initial emergence of the concept as a vague idea , followed by its gradual clarification as the theory in which it plays a part takes a more precise and coherent form .
18 I suggest that the BMJ should draw up clear guidelines on consensus statements designed to influence practice policy .
19 I suggest that the Hon. Gentleman goes to Holyhead and explains that in his view the priority should have been given to the television studios and not to Holyhead .
20 In a book ( Tomkins , 1987 ) urging public-sector organizations to consider new ways of evaluating organization effectiveness ( not just efficiency ) , I suggest that the approach of Guba and Lincoln ( 1981 ) offers a very practical way of proceeding .
21 ( September 6 ) I suggest that the Tory logo of a flaming torch be replaced by either a cuckoo or an oozelum bird .
22 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
23 I suggest that the Secretary of State take a little time to read our new document , ’ London : a strategy for transport ’ , which might help him and his colleagues to get sorted out on the need for better transport in the capital city .
24 I suggest that the hon. Gentleman talks more to the Benefits Agency in his constituency to persuade its members of the wisdom of adopting this course .
25 I suggest that the hon. Gentleman direct his remarks to Lambeth council : a reordering of its spending priorities seems to be long overdue .
26 I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure .
27 I suggest that the hon. Gentleman looks in the right telephone directory .
28 Opinion polls always give different answers depending on the questions that have been asked , and I suggest that the hon. Gentleman should not place too much emphasis on the outcome .
29 Although this place has heard tales of much horror and beastliness over the many generations that hon. Members have spoken about the plight of victims throughout the history of this place , I suggest that the plight of the people whose human rights we will discuss this morning transcends almost every other horror that we have heard here .
30 As the memory of the clearances lingers in Scotland , I suggest that the Duke of Sutherland is perhaps not the most popular name that could have been chosen .
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