Example sentences of "[pron] believe that the " in BNC.

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1 I did not want that , but I believed that the top salary awards were so out of line with what we were proposing in the rest of the public sector that in the real world of industrial relations it made my job infinitely more difficult .
2 At that time I believed that the United Kingdom would be facing severe economic problems in the future , and I decided that I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community , and make a contribution to the resolution of those problems .
3 And I believed that the affair might have had something to do with her death .
4 Let me say I believed that the wrongs of women were interconnected with and subsidiary to the wrongs of man ; that to work for the revolution was to work , indirectly , for women .
5 Nor do I believe that the conclusion to be drawn from all this is that life is a miserable business .
6 Nor do I believe that the zeal of discovery is a cause for shame .
7 However , I believe that the vast majority of woodturners in the UK are amateurs like myself , and it is the contrast between our approach to pricing and that of the professional which I wish to discuss .
8 I believe that the original Arbortech Woodcarver was one of the most dynamic inventions for woodworkers of recent time , offering fast cutting with a good finish and potential for fine detailing .
9 We may have no choice but to do so , though I believe that the change has been more damaging than beneficial .
10 Nevertheless , I believe that the marriage , whatever its public appearance , is a difficult one , and results in bad faith and deception .
11 ‘ Having seen him about six times , and having spoken to most of their leaders , I believe that the time is right for us to talk to them now , to end this whole conflict once and for all .
12 I believe that the public must have absolute confidence in the British egg industry .
13 I believe that the more promoters to whom agents sell acts that lose money , the less people there will be around to do business with .
14 I believe that the new legislation and initiatives such as the Heartbeat Campaign should be welcomed because they can only serve to benefit the industry . ’
15 My aim was to modernize the health service and I believe that the Government had significant success .
16 WE must appreciate that we can learn from overseas players , and I believe that the paying spectator should be kept interested and that new support should be chased .
17 I believe that the vast majority of our parents are struggling .
18 I believe that the world seemed to Modigliani like an enormous kindergarten run by unkind adults . ’
19 I believe that the case was dealt with by Inspector Cotton and Sergeant Mack .
20 I believe that the inspiring and the enlisting of the active citizen in all walks of life is the key . ’
21 I believe that the maintained grammar school offers the best hope at present of making accessible to a larger population than ever before the best of the qualities and habits of which it somewhat accidentally finds itself the custodian : respect for learning , the encouragement of deep and strenuous thought , a regard for style , and the tacit assumption of contracts of mutual responsibility between individuals and between an individual and his society .
22 But we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then , and of all the black deeds that blacken Scottish history , I believe that the hunting of the Rannoch Macgregors was probably one of the most horrendous .
23 I believe that the spirit chooses which lessons it is to be faced with during the course of a particular lifetime .
24 In my view , for reasons I have set forth at length elsewhere , I believe that the philosophy of animal rights is the right philosophy .
25 If there is anything in the distinction I believe that the term Cabinet Committee ought to be kept for Ministerial committees and perhaps for committees of officials directly subordinate to a Ministerial committee ; but I am far from certain that the distinction is worth making .
26 Thus , if we are interested in studying business from the perspective of information systems , I believe that the paradigm usually accepted in the Management Information Systems community , of a system where facts about a definite world are stored , retrieved and manipulated , is inadequate …
27 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
28 I believe that the creation of the universe and all that that involves , is still a mystery and forms no part of the conception of a god and a corresponding religion that can fulfil the human need .
29 I believe that the church exists for the community , ’ he said , ‘ and not just for itself . ’
30 It is a question with which promoters and television are constantly grappling , but I believe that the answer is self-evident .
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