Example sentences of "[pron] most [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Sturgeites in the BFASS , Buxton 's supporters in the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade and for the Civilization of Africa ( the ‘ Civilization Society ’ , 1839–43 ) and British Garrisonians in the British India Society and the Anti-Slavery League all made gestures towards identifying their different preoccupations as legitimate developments in new circumstances of antislavery in its most successful period .
2 It has borne his burdens , taken part in his wars , and shared his leisure pursuits but , incongruously , its most important period began with the start of the industrial revolution ; as man invented machines to revolutionise his industry , he found more need for the heavy horse ; it provided the means of transport and made possible the rapid improvements in agriculture required to feed the expanding population .
3 Its most likely period of operation is between 300 and 325 , whereafter some of its craftsmen appear to have been employed at Withington , and .
4 Hata acknowledged that the country 's financial system was facing its most difficult period since 1945 , and that the sharp decline in share and property prices combined with the general economic slowdown had triggered doubts concerning the financial system 's stability and capacity to supply capital which , unless eradicated , could jeopardize any potential recovery .
5 LABOUR has begun its most intensive period for reselection .
6 Between 1912 and 1930 their most successful period was 1914–18 when all football was suspended because of the First World War .
7 During their most productive period , both mills were controlled by the Marling family , who had a total of 182 looms and over 4,000 spindles .
8 But actually the Greeks in their most creative period knew only too well that the basis of existence is horrific .
9 Above the ground the vine looks dormant , but below the roots are going through their most active period of the year .
10 Yet this was not only his most effective period in office but also the job he enjoyed most .
11 Matta 's ‘ Théorie de l'arbre ’ , painted in 1941 , is expected to fetch $500–600,000 ( £290–350,000 ) while two paintings by Fernando Botero , ‘ The lovers ’ and ‘ Cat with green soup ’ , which date from his most popular period carry an estimate of $700–800,000 ( £405–465,000 ) and $500–700,000 ( £290–405,000 ) respectively .
12 Christie 's cover lot also failed to sell : Lord Leighton 's ‘ Moorish Garden : a Dream of Granada ’ was left unsold at £340,000 ( estimate £400–600,000 ) ; questions concerning its condition ( what would happen were the wax lining to be removed ? ) and opinion that it was a work not from his most marketable period seem to have dampened enthusiasm .
13 These were the years of ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues , ’ ‘ Highway 61 Revisited ’ and ‘ Blonde on Blonde ’ , arguably his most creative period .
14 Wordsworth lived in Dove Cottage , a white-washed former inn called The Dove and Olive , during his most creative period from 1799 until 1808 .
15 What was true on the wider front was also true at a personal level : Layton was about to go into his most prolific period of writing , and the whole literary scene was being galvanised into a productivity never before realised in Canada .
16 His most active period in the Commons came during the three Exclusion Parliaments : he served on no fewer than fifty-two committees , involving a wide range of issues .
17 Count the first day of your most recent period ( this is the first day of bleeding even if there are only little spots ) as day one .
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