Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] 's certainly " in BNC.

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1 And that 's true of most of the forms you 're going to get , that there 's certainly more than way of using them .
2 Regardless of your opinion of the hard driving , speed metal wares of high flying thrash titans Metallica , Slayer , Anthrax and Megadeth , there 's no denying their impressive longevity and there 's certainly no way of ignoring their ever increasing popularity .
3 But Hayward said : ‘ This is no time to panic and there 's certainly no pressure on Graham Turner .
4 I do n't like it when presentation screens are multiloaded before each level though — that 's just waste of time , and there 's certainly no excuse for it in a game like Sly Spy .
5 and it 's it 's something about the shame around depression that we do n't actually come forward for counselling and there 's certainly not enough free counselling services in Scotland .
6 And there 's certainly no end of a palaver when a patient ‘ takes matters into his own hands ’ , with the electrified fence , for example .
7 ‘ Delightful ’ says the Gourmet 's Guide to Fish and Chips , and there 's certainly no down side here .
8 Not everything in it is stupid , but there 's no point to the exhibition and there 's certainly not a new spirit being displayed there .
9 ‘ It 's a big place and she sometimes sees the prince but there 's certainly nothing going on between them . ’
10 Now I think er it 's clear what 's going on here , there 's er weaving going on , I 'm not quite sure what the material is er but there 's certainly a loom with some kind of er , weaving being demonstrated .
11 But there 's certainly not a haven for bullies or no nor is it endemic in any way at all .
12 This could be made much more complex , but there 's certainly enough to get started if at least one of the participants has some previous experience .
13 There may be , you know , may be fifty odd parking spaces , but there 's certainly not erm ,
14 That 's right , yes , I mean that 's that 's very true , and , and another point that underlines the fact economies of scale in agriculture , I mean there are there are economies of scale to a certain degree as you , as you said there , Matthew , but there 's certainly not er , erm , they 're not as large as the , as the economies of scale in , in manufacturing , primarily because in agriculture you effectively need land , alright , to increase erm , your output .
15 They may even go lower , but there 's certainly the clear indications from the city that , and from informed sources that interests rates are likely to rise towards the end of this year .
16 Shane may now be shorn of groping groupies and desperate sports hacks who ring him at five o'clock in the morning , but there 's certainly no shortage of England batsmen who are prepared to play dazzled rabbits to his Mack truck headlights .
17 Uhm , no , I er I 've sort of started off and I 've got so far down and er I love the drawing that Freda Rudman from Stanford-in-the-Vale has done of their village , and er and of course I like the Harwell entry , which is my own village , but there 's certainly some very nice entries in , some very good entries in .
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