Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] be nearly " in BNC.

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1 I was erm , asked to er speak on behalf of the locals , as it were , and er so er what can I say but welcome back , welcome back to the where there 's nearly forty years ago you were and erm we do welcome you back here again today .
2 I think all the staff ought to be able to rely ( as they can in colleges of FE ) on this full-time professional service , particularly where there are nearly 1500 customers and 80 members of staff .
3 Although there were nearly four times as many conscientious objectors as during the First World War , there was no organization remotely like the NCF .
4 We believe that there are nearly 100,000 empty flats over shops , and we have therefore embarked on a three-year campaign to try to change attitudes in the commercial sector .
5 Consequently most accidents , and there were nearly 500 of them during the 1970s , were not the result of employee thoughtlessness but emerged directly out of the contradictory demands made upon the workforce .
6 In 1901 more than a quarter of all employed males in North Shields worked in and around the port and there were nearly 2000 seamen and 600 dockers and coal heavers resident in the town .
7 There consul in Rome came up on an official visit and there was nearly a diplomatic incident when he got thrown out of the new university canteen he come to expect .
8 If there are nearly a million of that age in 2001 , then almost 200,000 will be afflicted by that time .
9 The market concentrates on older consumers with the highest incomes , but there are nearly 15 million people over the age of 55 in the United Kingdom , and regrettably some of them are poor .
10 Dinner is not provided but there are nearly thirty restaurants and pubs in Ely .
11 But there are nearly always some overseas students — mostly from Africa or Asia but including some from America or even Australasia .
12 But there was nearly always a small group of so-called " mature students ' , who had failed to get to college when they left school ( due to illness , perhaps , or economic circumstances or the disruption caused by the Second World War of 1939–45 ) .
13 The size of barns varied greatly , but there were nearly always only one or two threshing floors .
14 Whereas there were nearly two thousand SAS and SBS members , the 14th INT had no more than a hundred , of which only thirty were field-operational .
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