Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] need [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Useful in composts for potting up plants that will need nitrogen later on , I would n't use it for roses — it can lead to soft leaf growth just when you do n't want it .
2 Some parents do not like disagreeing in front of an outsider and may need permission to do this .
3 Globe artichokes are sprouting new leaves and may need protection from frost in cold areas .
4 The girl 's father , who was driving , escaped with relatively minor injuries but another passenger , an eight-year-old girl , suffered lacerations to her face and may need plastic surgery .
5 A minority are unable to make any attachments at all and may need time in a therapeutic community ’ , Elliffe said .
6 Pupils need an introduction to the topic , and may need background information to appreciate what they will see on site .
7 Today 's family farmers and many of the part-time farmers were probably faced with more pressures than their predecessors and might need assistance to overcome them .
8 David is in plaster tonight and could need surgery . ’
9 While it was generally accepted that the country was economically near bankruptcy and would need time and a continuation of generous American aid to effect recovery , few people doubted the economy could be rebuilt faster than that of devastated Europe and Japan .
10 He knew that the young eagle would get hungry and would need food .
11 You may not have met these before and will need help to master them , e.g.
12 Parents may feel suspicious of these , or resentful , and will need help in using them to best advantage .
13 Solid fuel systems require facilities for fuel storage and ash disposal , and will need attention at frequent intervals .
14 → I 'm afraid to say that the pickup is probably duff and will need attention by your local guitar repairer , or a pickup rewinding specialist .
15 The House of Lords has asked whether it is sex discrimination , contrary to Directive 76/207/EEC , to dismiss a female employee when she has been engaged for the specific purpose of replacing ( after training ) another female employee who is about to go on maternity leave and when the maternity leave replacement discovers very shortly after appointment that she too is pregnant and will need maternity leave and the employer dismisses her because he needs the job holder to be at work during that period .
16 In good hot summers , dill will grow rampantly and strongly , but may need support if there is much wind .
17 They can be grown outdoors in cool temperate climates from June-September , but will need protection the remainder of the time .
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