Example sentences of "[conj] [det] would certainly " in BNC.

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1 He had returned once to Granard — to bury his widowed mother beside her husband in the hillside cemetery — and he knew that that would certainly be his last visit to the place of his birth .
2 It would have to be taken out to the van , and that would certainly have been a job for mother and son , a major job at that .
3 If fewer than ten suitable students are identified , there is a provision for substitute funding ; I think you suggested half the fees for places that are taken up , and that would certainly fit within the limits set by the Executive .
4 I want to make a limited point at this juncture , I reserve the right to come back later on , and it 's become three points as a result of the discussion we 've already had , my view on the contribution of the of the greenbelt to the York issue is n't just the setting of the city , it 's the character of the city , and that would include the central city and the historic city , and the need to limit the physical expansion and size of the urban area because of the implications inside the historic city , and that would certainly apply to other cities with greenbelts that I 'm familiar with like York , like er Oxford , which the character suffers from expansion , possibly excessive , Norwich , that considered a greenbelt , and London , if you like that did n't get its greenbelt until we had the character rather drastically altered , so I think it is n't just the setting and how you see the city from the ring road , it 's actually what happens inside the core , the second point I want to make is really for clarification perhaps , er and it relates to the question of allocations between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , as I understand it all those allocations are already er included in the Ryedale local plan , and are already therefore included in the commitments that we looked at in Ryedale , I do n't think there is a further reserve of spare opportunities that might be used either before or after two thousand and six , that 's certainly my understanding and if anybody was was taking a different view I think that should be clear , and now I come to the one point that I was actually going to raise , erm I think it 's important that in this discussion of the relations between York city and Greater York , that we get a , early on , a clear view of what the requirements are in York , not just its capacity which we 've discussed so far , and a figure of three thousand three hundred seems to be a fairly common currency , but its requirements , and I want to address a particular question to the County Council , which is in my proof , so they 've had as it were four weeks notice of it .
5 If that turns out to be the case , Chalmers hopes to be back in action before the end of the season , and that would certainly lead to a standby spot .
6 ‘ It will look at the way the assessment process is working , and that would certainly uncover if there are wide variations in the eligibility criteria being used by different authorities ’ .
7 It could even all be molten if Mercury possesses a powerful source of internal heating , and this would certainly remove some of the mystery surrounding the dipole field 's origin .
8 She felt sometimes that he did n't know how spirited she could be , and this would certainly have shown him !
9 We do not even have to posit a genetic advantage in imitation , though that would certainly help .
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