Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He wondered whether Simon had found his knife or got hold of another one .
2 or Anchises that laid hold of her flanks of air
3 The hands that caught hold of her this time , though , did not pass beyond the bounds of normal assistance .
4 I was frightened by the helpless , shaking anger that had hold of me ; I wanted to get out of the room .
5 By that time , their wives had come out of the crowd and got hold of them , and were taking them away .
6 I take it you did as I suggested and got hold of a paper . ’
7 The following morning , just before the father left for his beastly second-hand car garage , Matilda slipped into the cloakroom and got hold of the hat he wore each day to work .
8 ‘ No , ’ he said , and got hold of my sleeve .
9 Till three police come and got hold of them .
10 And when you picked hold of the fish and got hold of a piece it would come clean away .
11 We went through a narrow passage into a smaller yard and Harry entered a box and got hold of a horse 's head collar .
12 And he just dived in there and and got hold of it these tools er once you get a hold of those things you know they they 're pretty They 're fantastic you they wo n't .
13 Matthew uses the word when he records that ‘ Jesus at once reached out and caught hold of him , and said , ‘ Why did you hesitate ?
14 Jesus at once reached out and caught hold of him , and said , ‘ Why did you hesitate ?
15 ‘ Do n't say a word ! ’ cried a terrible voice , as a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me .
16 I attacked it , and made it let go of her leg , but the Lintons ’ servants appeared and caught hold of me .
17 He laughed and caught hold of her .
18 So a rumour grew up that perhaps , at the last minute , he had jumped up and caught hold of part of the car and had clambered on to it somehow .
19 The Mason 's hand shot out and caught hold of Davey 's ear as if he would tear it off .
20 He threw the towel aside and caught hold of Sara 's hand .
21 He reached her just as she made an attempt to stand , and caught hold of her upper arms .
22 A hand reached out and caught hold of her arm .
23 His hands shot out and caught hold of her shoulders , and in that same instant , his grandmother 's voice called his name .
24 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
25 She ploughed up the sand-hill and grabbed hold of the rusty blue oil-drum before Gazzer lost it again .
26 Always ready for a dip I leapt into the water and grabbed hold of an elderly lady with neat little curls and bifocals on the end of her nose .
27 She turned to leave , but Dad got off his orange box and grabbed hold of her hands and proceeded to prod her palms with the needle .
28 ‘ I do n't give a tinker 's toot what your mummy thinks ! ’ the Trunchbull yelled , and with that she lunged forward and grabbed hold of Amanda 's pig-tails in her right fist and lifted the girl clear off the ground .
29 She ran out and grabbed hold of the cab .
30 The first Hunter then lunged forward and grabbed hold of Spike 's chest .
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