Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] it comes " in BNC.

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1 Whether this is the result of oppressive criticism by his school-teachers or family , or whether it comes from a reaction to the finer-than-fine scholarship visible in some branches of Judaism ( which counts letters and finds significance in the smallest linguistic minutiae ) , is not certain .
2 And there is not a feeling that I can have , whether it 's produced from my emotion , or whether it comes from hell itself , there is not a feeling that can come my way , there is not a lie of the devil that can alter that truth !
3 They are generally more interested in questions of taste and convenience and price than where it comes from , ’ he says .
4 See , my idea originally was that cos it comes back from when I used to go in the in the Blue Anchor in Lancaster after work I mean we had everybody in there !
5 ‘ We have made it our duty to find out as much as we can about Natasha , so that if it comes to a point where we want to adopt her , we will have the documentation ready . ’
6 Well I I I would say that if it comes to the attention of Social Services , that we would treat it the same .
7 You 've got to look at the other positive thing as well though that if it comes out as a target and there are specific training needs there throughout the
8 Entering the measurements is quite straightforward , except when it comes to the armhole measurement for set-in sleeves .
9 There are no classes , no social hierarchy in prison , except when it comes to drugs . ’
10 Except when it comes after C except after C.
11 Most pupils have little creativity or imagination , except when it comes to thinking of excuses for not having done their homework .
12 Except when it comes to girls !
13 Firstly , the local authority search and all standard information about the property will now be obtained by the seller 's solicitor at the beginning of the process , so that when it comes to buying a property all the initial legal information will be available and in place .
14 In the public-spending round of Government it is certainly true that departments overbid on the basis that when it comes to the crunch they can bring the bid down without damage .
15 And that when it comes to quality , service or safety , it 's often worth spending a little more ?
16 Sue Moss , a founder director , says that when it comes to supplying staff with computers , ‘ the software writers get the gleaming new equipment , and the managers — who do n't need amazing processors — get the old stuff ’ .
17 Statistics for the diocese of Sheffield covering the period ‘ 82 to ‘ 88 show — as Table 1 demonstrates — that when it comes to attendance growth , small is beautiful .
18 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
19 LENNOX LEWIS and Frank Maloney are apparently the last two people this side of Jupiter to realise that when it comes to world heavyweight boxing titles , possession is 10 tenths of the law .
20 If you 've read our fab feature — the Men 's Room , then you 'll know that when it comes to great skin care , shaving and shaving products play a vital role — that 's why Wilkinson Sword have designed Skin Solutions for men .
21 It is obvious that when it comes to representing his country , there is no one to equal Andre Agassi .
22 Above all , the elections have provided a shot in the arm for the Christian right , proving , first , that blacks and Hispanics are more likely to listen to Baptist ministers and Pentecostalist preachers than the likes of Mayor Dinkins and Joseph Fernandez , and , second , that when it comes to gay sex , fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other .
23 He is being wooed by three counter-arguments : first , that when it comes to big , company-wide computer systems , customers still prefer to buy everything from a single , proven supplier ; second , that mainframes will remain at the heart of many of tomorrow 's systems , in which a network of PCs will be served by a central processor ; and third , that IBM is moving away from being hardware-dominated to become , increasingly , a one-stop-shop for computer consultancy and services .
24 that falls down Hugh , is that people assume because they 've commented that , that when it comes out in its final version it 'll reflect their particular comment .
25 Tests prove that when it comes to shielding skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays , Uvistat 's unique balance of filters gives superior protection .
26 Rivals Now he faces a make-or-break season with the Ewood Park club , which has shown that when it comes to cash it has no serious rivals .
27 Is it not the case that when it comes to positive action and real decisions , the Government are always in the pocket of the landowners ?
28 She admits that when it comes to perfecting a job out on site it 's definitely teamwork that wins the day :
29 One man , and his garden shed , are living proof that when it comes to eccentricity , we 've got the market cornered .
30 Is n't it such a pity that when it comes to the playing of the game he either forgets the rules or makes up new ones .
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