Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] it appear " in BNC.

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1 We may have a genetic pre-disposition to cancer , but where or when it appears in our body is determined by a combination of factors .
2 The commonest ( although still rare ) type of statement is that if it appears that a Bill has passed both Houses and received the Royal Assent , no court of justice can inquire into the mode in which it was introduced into Parliament , nor into what was done previous to its introduction , nor what passed in Parliament during its progress in its various stages through Parliament ( see , e.g. , Lee v Bude & Torrington Junction Railway Co ( 1871 ) LR 6 CP 577 ; Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway Co v Wauchope ( 1842 ) 8 C1 & F 710 ) .
3 Section 245 provides that if it appears to the directors that any annual accounts of the company or any directors ' report did not comply with the provisions of the Act they may prepare revised accounts or a revised report .
4 — some word senses appear only when used in particular idioms or collocations ; Intersections — e.g. if ’ conduct ’ and ’ violin ’ appear together , this would suggest a different sense of ’ conduct ’ than if it appeared with ’ wire ’ ;
5 ‘ contributed to the … view that unless it appears that the wife clearly understood the effect of an instrument conferring a voluntary benefit on her husband it may be invalidated . ’
6 Nurse Motley said that when it appeared that Kayley was about to suffer another respiratory attack , she had administered oxygen while Allitt had opened the door and called for the cardiac arrest team .
7 A dull , cold , rainy day does not literally mean ‘ sadness ’ — it is possible to be happy on such a day — but it is so obviously a metaphor for sadness that when it appears in writing it has become a cliché , intended to trigger a predictable response .
8 The Mnchener is suing Atlantic Richfield for nearly $150m , alleging that the company knew that the products the unit was developing would never be commercially viable , and according to the Wall Street Journal citing electronic mail messages , one of which says that as it appears the development ‘ is a pipe dream , let Siemens have the pipe , ’ and another that says ‘ We will attempt to finesse past Siemens the fact that we have had a great deal of trouble in successfully transitioning technology from the laboratory to the factory ’ ; Atlantic Richfield denies attempting to mislead Siemens over the unit .
9 And although it appeared he used his arm to do so , Russian referee Alexei Spirin ignored the appeals for a penalty .
10 At first it will be surrounded and sniffed and if it appears friendly then a good licking follows and if this is accepted by the stranger then it 's usually used for a good old scratch .
11 A party seeking to recover his property , which may be held , for example , by someone who has done work on it , will have first to issue proceedings , and if it appears that a lien arises , the court may order that the party seeking to recover may pay into court , to abide the event , the amount in respect of which the security is claimed together with such further sum by way of interest and costs as the court directs , and upon such payment , the property be given up .
12 The part 26-way tree , part linked list method was implemented for comparison purposes , and because it appeared to be a simple way of reducing the amount of memory necessary .
13 In fact , we know that the radiation must have traveled to us across most of the observable universe , and since it appears to be the same in different directions , the universe must also be the same in every direction , if only on a large scale .
14 This is a case in which we distinguish between a person 's body as it appears to that person , and as it appears to others .
15 It looks very like a small gorilla and though it appears to be tailless , like an ape , it is in fact a monkey , closely related to the macaques .
16 The term of the grant is sixteen years , but where it appears that a patentee has been insufficiently remunerated , the Court may extend the term for a period not exceeding five , or , in an exceptional case , ten years .
17 A Coastguard spokesman said : ‘ This event takes place every year but although it appears to be well organised , neither the lifeboats nor the beach patrol in Wirral are officially informed .
18 Most allegations of breach of privilege or contempt end there , but if it appears to the Speaker that there has been a prima facie breach of privilege , the matter will be referred to the Committee of Privileges , the function of which is to receive evidence , determine whether , in its view , a breach or contempt has occurred and , if so , report to this effect to the House with any recommendations thought fit .
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