Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [pos pn] father " in BNC.

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1 Pupils were significantly less likely to have participated in the follow up studies if at baseline they had reported being smokers or having previously smoked or tried cigarettes , if their father or mother was a smoker , or if their father was unemployed or a manual worker .
2 Beautiful part of the world , you know , maybe that 's exactly what you wan na do , you wan na kick out Wolverhampton and go for Mytholmroyd particularly if you 've got a house or if your father 's got a house there which is there maybe a lot , a lot , a lot going for it but you 're looking for this long term prospects
3 Two minor points need to be noted — firstly that Charles himself was , in April 1660 , already dating documents ‘ in the twelfth year of our reign ’ , and secondly that although his father 's sovereignty terminated on 30 January ( 1649 ) , his own did not begin as though immediately following .
4 Finally it was suggested that if her father continued to be unkind or unpleasant , the only way she could increase the level of care she provided would be to move away from her family and live with him .
5 As she moved off with the other mounted followers , Artemis determined that if her father thought it was time for her to stop riding ponies and learn to hunt on a horse , then so be it .
6 On our way home I explained to her that if her father discovered she had visited Wuthering Heights , he would perhaps be so angry with me that he would send me away .
7 One of Wendy 's fears was that if her father died her mother would want to marry Ken .
8 Eventually , he would come to confess that if his father had inherited the Hall as he had rightfully expected to do , none of this would have happened .
9 After the Restoration the keeper of the parish register no longer recorded occupations , but Gough observed that whereas his father paid only 4d. per annum poor rate upon his marriage in 1633 , by the end of the century he ( Gough ) paid almost 20 shillings .
10 She would understand that since my father 's death there had been , as it were , a vacancy in my home which , with careful management , her wayward mother might come to fill , secure within the bonds of kinship .
11 This tale about Swegen 's Slavonic wife may fit with Thietmar 's statement that he had Cnut and his brother Harald by a sister of Boleslav whom he later abandoned , which may in turn tie in with the Encomiast 's story that after their father 's death Cnut and Harald brought their mother back from among the Slavs .
12 ‘ After that it was an understood thing that when my father wanted a new mistress he paid my mother accordingly .
13 Matilda later reported that as her father tore off her veil , he swore ‘ that he had destined me as a wife for Count Alan rather than for a community of nuns ’ .
14 After Dan Salmon 's funeral , Charlie tried to read the Daily Chronicle every morning in the hope of discovering what the second battalion , Royal Fusiliers , were up to and where his father might be .
15 ‘ She suffered for a long time and although her father never knew about it , her mother did . ’
16 And although his father said : ‘ lt was thet boy o' mine ! ’ , the bent drill-furrow was always a source of leg-pulling between the two friendly rivals : ‘ You 're not a ‘ going to tell me a tale like thet , Walter Cater .
17 And if her father 's influence had created the opening for her , it was no more than was indispensable in this male-dominated society .
18 Some of the early big events of the year for us were the various treats run by the Working Men 's Clubs , and if your father happened to belong to both clubs you were lucky .
19 And if your father is currently taking your side of things worth sounding him out as to how far he 'll take
20 He had been a gamekeeper 's son , and until his father died had lived all his life in the country .
21 She weighed 71b 12oz and while her father expressed his delight at a ‘ perfect physical specimen ’ there was no hiding the sense of anticlimax , if not downright disappointment , in the family that the new arrival was not the longed-for male heir who would carry on the Spencer name .
22 His eldest brother was the distinguished mathematician and geologist John Playfair [ q.v. ] , and after their father 's death in 1772 he assumed responsibility for the upbringing of the family and , it appears , for launching James on his career .
23 He later married her and after his father 's death he was able to buy a house in St. Peter 's Hill .
24 Coming from a first-generation immigrant family there was a strongly defined work ethic and after my father died heavy responsibility was thrust upon us .
25 In fact he was a sadist , and after my father 's death both Brian and I were among his victims .
26 Susan and Gay were the people she liked best in the world , and when her father died she had made a mental vow that she would do everything in her power to make life happy for this sister of hers who had worked so hard and shown such courage .
27 With Anne , to think was to act and when her father appeared a few minutes later she said immediately , ‘ Dad , Maureen has a friend who 's had to give up his house and live in a crummy room .
28 And when her father 's hands were on her she felt at times she would vomit all over his suit .
29 And when your father died ? ’
30 And when my father came home he said , ‘ Your sister 's crying , have you touched her ? ’
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