Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] sit in " in BNC.

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1 I felt scared that I would be seen as crazy — that I might even go crazy : that I would begin to see little green men , jump off a tower in the belief I could fly , or just sit in a corner humming ‘ Om ’ .
2 And we would go for walks together or just sit in the garden , talking .
3 ‘ He wo n't let me get up or go out , or even sit in the armchair for a bit , ’ said Dolly .
4 The prisoners , under strict supervision , were allowed to level it so that they could play football or a strange game called rugby , or go running , or simply sit in the sun .
5 All you kids that just sit in line ,
6 I had better things to do than just sit in an office talking .
7 For once , however , the long-suffering regular fan will be able to buy his ticket at face value — and even sit in his usual seat .
8 They had made one album , which had failed , partly , it was felt within the company , because they had thrown away the chance of a prestigious tour , supporting Talking Heads , by their novel plan to simply switch on their machines and tape-recorders and then sit in the auditorium with the audience and watch the show themselves .
9 She would wash herself , hurriedly , and then sit in the cave , looking out across the valley , hoping that time would shift itself on soon and resolve the tangles which seemed to bind her .
10 Unless you drive everywhere at less than 40mph and never sit in traffic jams , the record-breaking 112mpg is as achievable as drying flowers underwater .
11 Pay attention to the level of lighting and never sit in the shadow .
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