Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] after " in BNC.

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1 Several had become pregnant on losing their virginity , or very shortly after , and their boyfriends had gone off , leaving them both scarred and scared about having any subsequent sexual relationships .
2 Pressure to publish is accepted as a normal feature of research work , but publication of Ph D results before or very soon after completion of the thesis has increased considerably in the period after 1977 .
3 Pressure to publish is accepted as a normal feature of research work , but publication of Ph D results before or very soon after completion of the thesis has increased considerably in the period after 1977 .
4 An indication of the tension between these moderate demands and the DHAC 's extreme rhetoric was the fact that almost immediately after this first demonstration there was a split .
5 And so soon after we were discussing it , too , but then you keep doing it .
6 ‘ I 'll believe that when I 've seen the boat 's log , ’ said Neil drily , ‘ and only then after it 's been checked by an expert .
7 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients .
8 They used to do what little chores they had in the morning and then again after their wives did most of it .
9 And then soon after it went off and it 's never come on since .
10 An apple tree heeds to be sown , weeded , grafted and pruned and then only after a number of years will it bear fruit .
11 It was not until 584 that his bid for the throne made serious headway , and then only after the murder of Chilperic had left certain of his followers without a patron .
12 They only buy them from discount houses , and then only after the bills are a few weeks old .
13 The lessons took place during the evening and then only after I had finished my regular school work for the day .
14 And then maybe after it 'd been cut for two days , you were sent out to turn the swathes , up all you went along and you turned them and turned them .
15 In 1279 the purely clerical assemblies of both provinces made a grant to the king towards the cost of the Welsh wars , but again only after there had been discussion in diocesan assemblies .
16 Erm but things like er you could see how people would lose heart with decorating , er because fairly soon after you 'd decorated , the ceiling and the wall , erm just below the heaters and above the heater , cos it was almost , well it was almost completely black .
17 Providing for your Dependants — will they be as well off after you have gone ?
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