Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] sit in " in BNC.

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1 You mean to say that you sit in this room all day , brooding on the memory of a dead film-star ?
2 Certain Christians have also given the impression that they sit in judgment over others .
3 Tony and I sit in the departure lounge of Heathrow wondering , yet again , how to fill the time between now and take-off .
4 I go there , and I sit in her room , and we are very quiet , I do n't fucking camp around , I never smoke , and we tell one another the truth .
5 Crilly and I sit in my living-room with a roll of silver foil before us , listening to Van Morrison ; the cat an audible purring ball on my lap .
6 Now she and I sit in her little front room like middle-aged parents .
7 Howard lights a fire of the pine logs he has cut , and they sit in front of it with tumblers of neat Irish whiskey .
8 You see there , there was a er not paying for it , asking about it , the finance committee how very cold it was for the elderly and they sit in there while some get taken home and
9 Other birds of prey may also arouse strong responses if they sit in a conspicuous position during the daylight hours .
10 She 's supporting an unemployed Turkish waiter with my money while I sit in the dark .
11 The persons alleged to have picked up the letter then chase the accusers round the circle and try to catch them before they sit in the empty space , as in the previous game .
12 When I sit in the room with it , he wrote , it 's like sitting in a room with a corpse .
13 He knows that the knickers I wear when I sit in the saddle are not the smartest articles of underwear in my wardrobe .
14 When I sit in my garden with the Duchess by my side , I sometimes think about my early life .
15 As I sit in the sandbag shelter at 10 o'clock on this cold night on gate watch I have time to contemplate the months that I have spent in the Auxiliary Fire Service .
16 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
17 and what I need , though I sit in terror ,
18 I ca n't see your face when you sit in that comer , ’ said Bella. ‘ — You thought the world of that Simon , did n't you ? — I know just what it 's like .
19 ‘ There are times , ’ Powell admitted wearily , ‘ when you sit in the ambulance and think to yourself ‘ is this all worth it ? ’ ‘
20 and they absconded it , and the dog has n't a hope in hell and also the ones you get for the kids , when you sit in them they sit up like little chairs do n't they ?
21 as you sit in the grass ,
22 There is a sense , as you sit in your cab and tunnel through the grooves and traps , there is a sharper sense ( there must be ) of the smallness of human concerns — in New York , where you always feel the height and weight of the tall agencies .
23 Do we find that when we sit in worship , often the language that preachers use , especially when they use some of the so called theological language .
24 ‘ The tabloids are the tabloids , ’ Mister C concludes later as we sit in the bar after the soundcheck .
25 They make me laugh , when they sit in 'ouse with blanket round them , so they do n't have to turn 'eating up .
26 Commuters read paperbacks as they sit in trains , but find that they may need to rest from this activity more frequently than when they are reading in a comfortable and well-lit place at home .
27 Young babies can sometimes look so uncomfortable when their heads loll and wobble about as they sit in their car seat or carrier .
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