Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ports , especially great ports , are never quite where they seem to be — a corner , a quay , the light filtering past funnels and masts on either side , there is always something that belongs to other places and other times .
2 Did did they have to wear lots of Do you remember your aunties or your your mother Did they have to lots of layers of clothes or they seem to be .
3 This went smoothly and is a great improvement but in order to create the compressed drive and double the hard disk capacity the SuperStor program took my hard disk ( drive C : ) and seemed to create a compressed drive D : it then swaps drive D and drive C so that the compressed drive is now C : The result is that I seem to be locked out of my old drive D in Rom which has one or two useful bits on — like a hardware check program .
4 I 've had three letters now , one from David , one from you and one from Beeston all assuming that I seem to be dealing with this subject , erm it 's a Beeston commitment
5 I 'm sure glad I 've got it 's just that I seem to be .
6 Once you 've got that fourth equation in from all this lot adds up to the total , and that 's the one that you seem to be forgetting , that 's the one you 've got to try and remember .
7 ‘ Only that you seem to be the darling of the tabloids , ’ she muttered .
8 And while we 're at the police station I suggest that you have a word with someone there about the fact that you seem to be attracting some unwelcome attention .
9 It is n't difficult Sid it 's just that you seem to , you want a torch that comes this way to see how you
10 He knows less of its true nature than you seem to ! ’
11 The best that we seem to be able to say is that biological and psychological categories have tended to contain only a very small minority of offenders ( as well as a significant proportion of non-offenders ) , while sociological categories have contained a large majority of non-offenders ( and by no means all offenders ) .
12 ONCE UPON A TIME the Universities had representatives in parliament ; it is only now through the Conference of University Convocations and Graduate Associations ( CUCGA , a national body in which Salford has a high profile , that works to protect and enhance higher education ) that we seem to be getting some clout back .
13 In more recent times , Luciano Berio has used the same technique in his Sinfonia , Labirintus H , and electronic works , so that we seem to be hearing different music — symphonic , jazz , military , vocal , etc. — as if radios were tuned to different stations and the music merging , conflicting , and changing .
14 Now that we seem to be approaching , by way of plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading , some sort of general theory of earth history acceptable to the physicists , it is perhaps unwise to continue to hypothesise in this way .
15 Yeah , er well put it under any other business Erm nothing more about that one other to say that we seem to be on course for finishing er about the zero mark which is what we 're targetting .
16 And some fiction ; women must be writing better books than they seem to be publishing . ’
17 I only hope that the civic authorities have them under better control than they seem to be here .
18 The debates will turn out to be less clear and clean than they seem in this outline .
19 It turns out that the theoretical ‘ shifting ’ effects are less important than they seem in theory .
20 People will say that they seem to be wishing that the person would hurry up and die , but in reality it seems that this event is the only one that can break the suspended animation of events being acted out in front of them .
21 For a while they are ‘ egocentric ’ — so self-centred that they seem to be interested only in themselves and their own point of view .
22 Positioning the moss at the bottom of the picture , push the wild flower stalks into the moss so that they seem to be growing naturally .
23 Perhaps the oddest feature of evidence on spillovers is that they seem to be particularly prevalent in high R&D sectors , and this raises the question of whether they actually do undermine incentives to do R&D ( see Levin , 1988 ) .
24 I have never understood why she was criticised by the Opposition for speaking up for Britain , but I am not exactly clear about their present position , except that they seem to be claiming that they can negotiate better conditions than the Government , despite their failure when in government in 1975 to negotiate proper terms for our entry .
25 Yet decisions about the significance , for entry into higher education , of school-level achievement in public examinations are made all the time — and it is odd that they seem to be made without reference to CNAA , BTEC or the NCVQ .
26 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
27 And she said that they seem to be selling more
28 They are simply not they do n't expect the level of sexual tension that they seem to be identifying as a problem in Oxford .
29 My view of the exhibition and these complementary texts is that they seem for the most part to lack the critical motivation and the dialectical irony of the Situationists .
30 Often , the coping strategies that teachers adopt to deal with contextual contingencies can become so habitual , so routinized , that they seem like coping no more , but worthwhile and valid teaching .
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