Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] do indeed " in BNC.

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1 The contemporary barrow groups of such valley settlements might be expected to be sited on the hills , where they do indeed survive in large numbers .
2 The egoist might raise a further objection : granted that I do indeed suffer from a sufferer 's viewpoint , I generally feel very much less from other viewpoints than from my own ; then will not the inclinations I choose in obedience to ‘ Be aware ’ tend to be self-centred , even if they do not quite fulfil the requirements of a pure philosophical egoism ?
3 It is certainly possible that we do indeed have an innate sense of ‘ place ’ .
4 One is bound up with the fact that we do indeed suppose that there is some set of types of circumstances , each type related in the same way to startings-to-work of the wipers .
5 The second was a conviction that many of us had , that we do indeed have a great deal to offer , by way of expertise and consulting , from the campus .
6 Moreover the newcomers do like to see farm workers around the village since this serves as a reminder that they do indeed live in a ‘ truly rural ’ village , as opposed to a kind of rustic suburbia .
7 It is interesting to find that they have somewhat unusual morphological forms , which may suggest that they do indeed make some sort of special call on speakers ' capacity for linguistic construction .
8 I wish we were having a picnic , and that it was hot , and I do indeed wish that we were all together ; though even if I were to hold the whole world against my chest , it would probably save us from very little .
9 But then you come to the problem , erm , because for ninety four five , erm , the formula suggests that we would need less staff , that might seem a bit odd but the , the reason is that if you do indeed bring your target times down , then the amount of work which your passing over into the next year is er considerably less , erm than the amount of work which you passed over into this year ,
10 If we do indeed reap what we sow , then it seems sensible to take a careful look at our packet of seeds — particularly in those areas of our lives which go either particularly well or badly .
11 Some cultures make extensive use of learned gestures and they do indeed have to be learned in the same way as one learns the word for " station " or how to refuse politely .
12 If they do indeed oscillate between generations , though , they must have mass .
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