Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] was impossible " in BNC.

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1 He was lying in wait in the hallway , where he was impossible to overlook , forking salad into his well-shaped mouth .
2 Danger to the stability of his Europe appeared , instead , for the first time in the Balkans , where it was impossible to muffle forever the basic clash of interest between Austria-Hungary and Russia .
3 Flaubert found London scaring ; it was an unhealthy city , he declared , where it was impossible to find a pot-au-feu .
4 Although it was impossible to describe such a society in a detailed way , some of its main features could and should be indicated .
5 Somewhere she found the spirit to contend his patronising arrogance , although it was impossible to hide the slight quaver in her voice .
6 Rachel was undeniably wonderful with the baby ; and took such joy from having Maggie with her that it was impossible for even Phoebe to feel much guilt about the times when she was free .
7 At two-twenty Minto 's party appeared , saying that the reason for their delay was that Liddiat , the handyman employed by Minto at The Kilns , had pumped up the tyres of the car so hard that it was impossible to drive at more than fifteen miles per hour .
8 The doctors were so evasive that it was impossible to get anything definite from them .
9 He felt now that it was impossible to know other people until one saw how they reacted in extremity or under pressure .
10 Earlier this century , some cosmologists argued that it was impossible to theorise coherently about the beginning of the universe , let alone about the end .
11 My time at the DHSS showed that it was impossible to make any significant change without a fierce public and professional battle — even when improvement meant more resources for health care or put right long-standing problems .
12 He rolled over , thinking resentfully that it was impossible to go to sleep .
13 The triumphant feeling that it was impossible to try any harder .
14 It was Fru Børre 's and Fru Gertlinger 's proud boast that it was impossible to tell , just by looking , whether the families were in residence or not .
15 England came away from Australia shaking their heads and saying that it was impossible to defend against those moves .
16 It was then discovered that it was impossible to put a solid roof on the stadium , so a compromise was reached in the form of an awning — a ‘ symbolic roof ’ .
17 He was on good terms with Marcus , content to know both that they would talk again , and that it was impossible to do so at the moment .
18 A senior officer in the Royal Engineers poured scorn on the idea and said that it was impossible .
19 Sally confesses : ‘ We realized , after we 'd had the dividing wall rebuilt between the front room and the back parlour , that it was impossible to get in or out of the back parlour , since we 'd also had the doorway closed off and made into a display case for the tortoiseshell medical implements Peter collects .
20 2–3 ) to complain that it was impossible to tell the exact hour ‘ since it is easier for philosophers to agree than for clocks ’ !
21 He wrote : ‘ The gods seem to have possessed my soul and turned it inside out … so that it was impossible for me to stay idle at home . ’
22 The immediate application of this engine was in pumping water out of mine workings , which had often become so badly flooded that it was impossible for them to be worked , and pumps driven by waterwheels were unequal to the huge drainage problems .
23 Admirers of Edison 's tinfoil phonograph are on record as saying that it was impossible to tell the difference between the recording and the original .
24 Since the very basis of the Technique rests upon Alexander 's discovery that it was impossible to separate the physical , emotional and mental states from each other , then it follows that the way in which we use our bodies will , in turn , alter the way in which we think and how we feel emotionally .
25 Corbett stared at the hard-eyed French envoy and realised that it was impossible to press the matter .
26 Dominic Wetherby 's right hand was clutching a packet of cheese so tightly that it was impossible to prise it out of the dead grip .
27 And I thought you felt as I did , that it was impossible for you to have a child . ’
28 The organisers tried to create an ‘ All-Union ’ rather than a ‘ Russian ’ party despite the fact that it was impossible to register an All-Union party legally .
29 In 1795 , after a severe winter and the failure of many crops , the price of provisions soared to an unprecedented height ; the price of wheat in London was 108 shillings a quarter : and this meant that it was impossible to buy bread , even if it were obtainable .
30 Aldous Huxley said that it was impossible to write about Lawrence except as an artist .
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