Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] stop [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Like Grisone , they believe that the horse regards it as a reward when the rider or handler stops punishing it !
2 The echo of that street-market record stall still lingers in Street 's insatiable appetite for new music , for , unlike many in-demand producers , Stephen is not of the opinion that music stopped evolving in 1975 !
3 ‘ It 's about time you and Mummy stopped going to that dreary old Richardson in the High Street and switched to Mr Vigo . ’
4 And then it went on and Tug stopped thinking about the quality of the sound .
5 1 Why did all the children laugh at Julie on the first day she went to her new school ? 2 How do you think Julie felt that day ? 3 Did you feel sorry for her then ? 4 Did you feel sorry for her later in the story ? 5 When Julie was left tied to the lamp post was it fair , unfair , cruel … or what ? 6 Whose fault was it that Julie and Bee stopped seeing each other ? 7 Why did Julie get hurts and what effect did it have on Bee ? 8 What were your feelings at the end ?
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