Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have to work " in BNC.

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1 As such , he or she has to work closely with the creative people and with media : in some agencies this includes the media planning , too .
2 ‘ Some people kept little trees in secret courtyards , and flowers in their houses , but they were n't supposed to , and if their neighbours reported them to the police the people would have their trees chopped down and the flowers taken away and they would be fined or put in prison , where they had to work very hard , rubbing out writing on bits of paper so they could be used again . ’
3 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
4 From Winnipeg — where he had to work a bootlegging ruse to get a drink — he hitched to New York to stay with some friends of Philip : they were in Vermont and so he busked a few days in Manhattan , perhaps even sang for his supper in Greenwich Village .
5 The only problem with the job was that I had to work on a lot of Saturdays , which naturally interfered with my athletics , though the company were quite generous in giving me time off .
6 One of the biggest challenges was the fact that I had to work quite direct , once the colour was put on it was incredibly difficult to lift off completely and so I could afford to make very few mistakes .
7 You know that I have to work the land down there .
8 It means that I have to work through these guys .
9 It was enough that she had to work with him .
10 ‘ But if he was a registrar he must surely have understood that you had to work shifts . ’
11 Did you ever think it was unfair that you had to work so hard for so little money ?
12 would see that you had to work a bit
13 Staving off death is a thing that you have to work at .
14 ignore it and that you have to work on it and you have
15 Most of Rodin 's drawings are undated , unsigned and untitled , so she had to work virtually from scratch .
16 Sometimes I wish that we had to work for our reception . ’
17 But most would agree that the Bible gives us principles — rather than precise rules — and that we have to work out how to put these in to practice .
18 It 's not other people , it 's not the problems that surround us , it 's not the people that we have to work with or the conditions in work , it 's not the next door neighbours , terrible though they may be , the real answer , for you and for me , lies within ourselves .
19 Thus the desire of the department to assess students ( which meant that they had to work competitively , rather than co-operatively ) conflicted with the desire of the students to understand the work ; the apparent aim of the department — to improve the knowledge and understanding of the students was being impeded by its other aim : to grade students .
20 That does not mean that they are better , rather that they have to work harder .
21 ‘ It makes them more responsible for their own work and gets them into the idea that they have to work outside normal school hours .
22 She looked back at Nuadu and knew that it had to work .
23 But I knew that it would be difficult to persuade Jimbo that he had to work at the exercises : yet if the treatment were to succeed , it had to be him — Jimbo himself — who , in the end , would reopen the pathway of nerves between brain and muscle .
24 If he is less than successful he may find that he has to work with an unco-operative discharger .
25 Then , not more than a week later , I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing ; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made by my staff , she and I had to work as a team , and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff .
26 And God was very good to me there , I was n't the brightest in the year and I had to work very hard , but God always was with me as I always passed my exams much to my surprise .
27 The medical faculty at Buenos Ayres would not accept me , and I had to work day and night for a year to learn enough science to be enrolled .
28 I am so pleased with the Elna ; I began making my bedroom curtains some time ago , but had to steel myself and put them away , as the ‘ British Biographies ’ book was exerting great pressure to keep to its schedule and I had to work on it in much of my spare time .
29 ‘ Sebastian , ’ I said , ‘ I 'm tired and I have to work .
30 I have to stop and think , and I have to work out that four hundred millilitres is not quite five hundred millilitres , so it 's about , but I 'm not sure how about a pou a pint .
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