Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [am/are] nothing " in BNC.

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1 We do what we 're told or we 're nothing .
2 So often , in all this , I have felt that I am nothing .
3 This leads to the notion that we are nothing more than chemical and mechanical devices , albeit extremely complex and wonderfully integrated ones .
4 If you are going to take notes , let the candidate know at this stage , explain that you do it for all the candidates , and that they are nothing sinister but simply a memory aid .
5 We can only guess at Allan Lamb 's motives for his article in the Daily Mirror , but we hope that they are nothing so base as money or even worse our nationality .
6 According to Dunsire ( 1982 , p. 15 ) , ‘ quango-hunting ’ has since 1979 ‘ become a Conservative blood-sport , under the illusion that they are nothing but wasteful ‘ empire-building ’ ' .
7 This ‘ bad faith ’ operates among the doctors and pharmacists who allow their knowledge and skill to be abused ; among the politicians who wish to see themselves as community benefactors , while knowing full well that they are nothing of the sort ; and even among the poor who are so often critical of the medical ‘ care ’ they receive yet continue to hold out for a medical solution to their social and economic problems .
8 Externally conformist and controlled , her journal functions as the confidant she never had : ‘ My head feels empty and I am nothing particular .
9 No I do n't actually cos I 'm nothing like her .
10 And you 're nothing like him at all . ’
11 And they 're nothing like Boris .
12 Reading some sections of the media recently , children of lone parents are talked about as as if they 're nothing but a drain on state resources .
13 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
14 But you 're nothing like Liza .
15 ‘ You 're a fool , I thought differently of you , but you 're nothing but a fool , a lovesick fool , like every other idiot girl I 've known .
16 We could never understand why were being compared to Nirvana — OK , there 's three of us — but we 're nothing like Nirvana . ’
17 Yeah , but they 're nothing but a bunch of wankers speak
18 But they are nothing out of the ordinary . ’
19 COOK 'S NOTE : Commercially prepared Melba toasts are available , but they are nothing like the real thing .
20 But they are nothing compared with the Caledonian and Alpine Ophiolite suites .
21 Because I 'm nothing
22 We are all but a part of a whole which has its own , its distinct , its other meaning : we are not ourselves , we are crossroads , meeting places , points on a curve , we can not exist independently for we are nothing but signs , conjunctions , aggregations .
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