Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [adv] accept " in BNC.

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1 Then on to the next house where they slyly accept a poster and bin it as soon as your back is turned ; and then to the next where support is promised if only your party in exchange guarantees to persecute , imprison and preferably execute certain categories of non-white-skinned people .
2 I do not propose to say more at this stage , except that I wholly accept the evidence of the surgeon as to the desperate nature of this situation , and that I grant the declaration as sought , which will include provision for the necessary consequential treatment in addition to the Caesarean operation .
3 Somewhat taken aback by this development I tried to explain why I accepted without reservation the account in Genesis to be correct , adding of course that I also accepted that there are genuine brothers and sisters in Christ who are evolutionists .
4 I want to begin by saying that I fully accept the criticisms that have been levelled , particularly against the quotation on the envelope , by a number of correspondents .
5 Parents and children both desperately need each other 's love and respect and it is important to let it be seen that you still accept and value one another , even in the midst of the turbulent years of the teens .
6 There is no question that we normally accept that both " the same A " and " a different A " can be significantly used in relation to ontological existents .
7 Disciplines that we now accept as having thrown much light on the evolutionary process were thus introduced originally as alternatives to nineteenth-century ‘ Darwinism ’ .
8 What is strange is that we often accept the opposite : that large benefits naturally carry with them large risks .
9 And if I had known this my justification for believing that they are playing at home would be defeated , because I also believe that they normally accept such invitations .
10 You say the lawmakers receive no pay , but are you sure that they never accept bribes ? ’
11 Sometimes they do n't like it very much , but they ca n't remember how you got there , so they just accept it . ’
12 In his Life of Hooker Walton states that in the original lost manuscripts there was no mention of kings being accountable to the people ; and he relates how Charles I , in a discussion with the Parliamentary leader Lord Saye , refused to accept any arguments based on the last three books , because it was doubtful whether they were authentic , although he gladly accepted Hooker 's judgements in the first five .
13 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
14 Although oxygen is a good oxidising agent ( atom or molecule that accepts electrons from the molecule it oxidises ) , restrictions on the direction of spin of the electrons it accepts means that it usually accepts these one at a time as shown in the following equations :
15 Yeah well the thing about Simon that 's excellent is that he just accepts people for what they are and he does n't judge people
16 Franco , previously associated with nationalist ideas at odds with the free-market neo-liberal views of Collor , stated that he now accepted economic liberalization in principle .
17 More worrying , perhaps , is that he happily accepts most people at home and outdoors , but sometimes shies away , even from people he 's met .
18 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
19 ‘ 'T WAS stamped with your father 's seal , and I just accepted it — and then flung myself into battle after battle , trying to forget you , never knowing why you continued to haunt me , until I thought you had betrayed me . ’
20 And I duly accept their off accepted their offer .
21 I am at a loss to explain this contradiction , as Gubby and I both accepted and talked about our next-door-neighbour relationship in later life .
22 I therefore offered Gail Rebuck my resignation on 17th March , and she finally accepted it on 19th March , asking that it should be kept confidential until 24th March , after the London Book Fair was over .
23 Prince Richard approached then and invited her to dance with him , and she smilingly accepted , feeling like one in a dream .
24 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
25 Again , we assert it since we accept ( i ) an independent nomic conditional roughly to the effect that in the world as it is , and within certain large limits as it might be , if it is raining and certain other things are the case , then the balcony is wet , and we also accept ( ii ) that those other things are the case .
26 Yes er , Richard will be on that board and er , and we also accept , expect erm , further outside appointments .
27 This seemed a far more promising environment , and we quickly accepted the couple 's invitation to abandon our base in Makassar and move in with them in Bira , since it would clearly take many more weeks of negotiating before we could be sure of coming up with a prahu , and a crew , reliable enough to carry us eastwards .
28 On the one hand we know that drinking , smoking , driving and overwork involve risks to our health , and we apparently accept them .
29 Food surpluses beyond those necessary to maintain strategic reserves are a nonsense and we fully accept that reduced agricultural output will mean reduced fertiliser sales The important part to be played by the market is well recognised by most people as is the need to safeguard small producers and to protect rural communities and our landscape and environment .
30 And we are coming dangerously near to admitting total defeat if we lamely accept the solution to street violence is for women to forego their liberty and put themselves under virtual night-time house arrest .
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