Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [prep] turn " in BNC.

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1 This is an opportunity for the public to gain a better awareness and understanding of the work of the artist , whilst he or she in turn can benefit from questioning and discussion if this leads to constructive self-evaluation and the stimulation of a fresh direction .
2 Rachaela did not say she would leave the child alone as much as possible and that she in turn would expect to be left alone .
3 Finally , the exigencies of the struggle forced the conservative burghers of the Netherland cities to involve an increasing number of people in the provision of manpower and funds , so that they in turn claimed the right to participate in political life .
4 Enlightened self-interest suggests that schools should press their LEA to fund special needs as generously as possible , so that they in turn can advertise their ability to provide appropriately for every pupil .
5 I always do my best , run my heart out , give one hundred per cent for the athletics fans , and I like to believe that they in turn appreciate that , as well as the fact that I do run a lot in Britain .
6 The NZRFU rather prides itself on its official-player liaison , of treating its players handsomely , and it rather hopes that they in turn would treat the NZRFU with courtesy , if not affection .
7 But as the movement became more fiercely nationalistic , the Futurists began to complain that they in turn were being plagiarized in France .
8 The Girls were most impressed when Mary bought a Daimler and employed a chauffeur so they in turn bought a car between them and shared the running costs .
9 Her life had been full of pain and perplexity ; it is not too much to say that her emotional needs had been fastened on a man whom she never properly understood , and that he in turn was baffled and then enraged by her insistent and neurotic demands upon him .
10 The food seller is willing to accept money in the knowledge that he in turn can use it in his purchases .
11 Air , too , is powerful stuff en masse , and as it moves , so it in turn agitates the water beneath : storms are initiated by winds ( although the winds themselves may derive their energy from the heat of the sea ) .
12 ( June 22-July 23 ) Although Jupiter is now sparkling away in your own birth sign and you in turn should feel decidedly more buoyant or optimistic , unfortunately , the atmosphere at home is likely to remain strained during the first few days of the month .
13 And you in turn can choose to do the same .
14 Francie Brady is The Butcher Boy of Patrick McCabe 's remarkable second novel ( Picador £14.99 ) , a child whose enquiring , ironical cast of mind and dire , small town Irish background ( his father has done his mother wrong , and she in turn is obsessed with the gloomy ditty from which the novel takes its title ) make him a fancied candidate for an early place in the reform school or the graveyard .
15 He bought the lordship in 1313 , granted it to Régine de Goth in his will , and she in turn bequeathed it to Jean I of Armagnac .
16 And she in turn supervised her her own women staff you see .
17 And we in turn thank her , for all the work she has done for the Society .
18 The ‘ Beeb ’ has been kind to its commentators — thirty years is a long time in television — and they in turn have served it well , adjusting cleverly to the growing informality of broadcasting without ever quite forgetting the august institution in which ‘ they serve ’ .
19 More moderate Catholics found these crusades vulgar , intolerant and immoral ; they could not understand them , and they in turn were not understood themselves .
20 The Misses Wynne sent two other ladies , rather considerably older than themselves , with a heavy recommendation and they in turn sent a widow and her daughter .
21 Those great figures of the Enlightenment , William Robertson and David Hume , both argued for Mary 's guilt of adultery ( with Bothwell ) and murder ( of Darnley ) , on the grounds that the Casket Letters were genuine , in their histories of Scotland and England respectively which they published in 1759 ; and they in turn were attacked a year later by William Tytler , in his Historical and Critical Enquiry into the evidence against Mary Queen of Scots .
22 The development officer felt she could not work with them , and they in turn did not welcome the Home Support Project .
23 Because women live longer , they make up the majority of the very elderly population requiring care , and they in turn look to their daughters and other female relatives .
24 Employers and their advisers reacted , many for the first time , by taking a good look at contracts , and they in turn became experts .
25 The standard approach was to seek the friendship of the major landowners in the county , particularly the leaders of the dominant political interest , and they in turn approached their own friends .
26 Yet Anna Merz learned to love rhinos ; and they in turn rewarded her with total trust and affection .
27 The Collector and Hookum Singh had their backs to this wall of flesh , with bayonets sprouting from between their legs and under their armpits ; they were shoving and shoving , and they in turn were being shoved by the other Sikhs , who were struggling to keep them in place .
28 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
29 Now we , let's say for instance we 've got five hundred thousand members of the church , and they in turn have a circle of friends and relatives of ten now you do n't need to be a mathematician to find out that 's five million .
30 At this point you might feel like going out to shoot your mother and father , and they in turn would feel like shooting their parents , but this is n't a very practical solution !
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