Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] trying " in BNC.

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1 Each of you knows exactly where you are trying to go .
2 You know and then you 're starting to present information after you 've got their full attention not just from the beginning where you 're trying desperately to win the presentation forward .
3 Have your hair trimmed every 5–6 weeks , even if it is long or you are trying to grow it .
4 He or she is trying to locate areas of tension that may be fixed in your body .
5 He or she is trying to get a very clear picture of what you can do so that they can place you accurately and not send you on too many pointless interviews .
6 Ask yourself ( a ) whether the writer tells you what he or she is trying to do ; ( b ) whether they succeed in doing it ; and ( c ) whether they convince you it was worth doing !
7 The received wisdom is that they are not very productive in drama , where we 're trying to open up possible responses .
8 Whatever the reason , that kind of perspective is anathema to higher education , where we are trying to widen students ' horizons .
9 A spokesman for the Irish RFU , confirming it would also debate the plan , said : ‘ All countries are finding there is congestion with league fixtures and — in the case of Scotland and ourselves where we are trying to get the district/provincial structure in as well as a prelude to the Five Nations — that the pre-Christmas period is getting very congested .
10 where we were trying desperately to have schools because we had no schools when we first came here as I say .
11 Loud cries of surprise from the hall made them run out of the cloakroom , where they were trying to find their coats and berets .
12 Or they 're trying to tell us something . ’
13 They 're trying to er knock or they were trying to knock News at Ten on the head .
14 But he must work on his kicking in general , especially where he is trying to find touch .
15 The account given in this book , based on the constructional meanings , enables us to give answers to these questions : Why does Oliver imagined her red-haired have two different meanings , one where he is trying mentally to change the lady 's image , and the other where he wonders what sort of person he is going to meet ) ?
16 In the first place , it had to compete with already established religions in regions where it was trying to gain a foothold — with the religions of Syria , Phoenicia , Asia Minor , Greece , Egypt , the whole of the Mediterranean world and beyond , the Roman Empire .
17 Or he was trying to get in through the one window in the house which was approachable from the tree side .
18 ‘ The only difference between us is that I am trying to be , and you ca n't help it . ’
19 It is just that I am trying to find ways of helping him through the first bad spell of his career .
20 It is this belief that I am trying to express , for it is an art which is applicable to any enterprise of any size in any area of life 's activities .
21 The point that I am trying to make is that the experience that they are gaining , by working and living with their people , day in and day out , will give them a depth of understanding which , sadly , no amount of university training would give .
22 I pretend to believe in living in my room , but it 's true that I am trying to thrust myself on stage .
23 Can I put to you , Mrs , my problems as an inspector on this , and perhaps then you 'll understand you know why it is that I am trying to get this er all written material before the end of the enquiry .
24 You know that I am trying to bring up these girls to be strong , patient and unselfish .
25 He knows the pressures that we are under and that I am trying to do my best to improve some of the apparent weaknesses .
26 ‘ The reason , Ranulf , ’ Corbett announced softly , his face only a few inches from his servant 's , ‘ is that I am trying to find out if , from some eighteen months ago , the ale-masters and tavern-keepers along this highway remember two foreigners , a young woman and her male companion .
27 That is precisely the point that I am trying to make .
28 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
29 Bearing the above statement in mind , take my tutor group as a fairly typical example of the point that I 'm trying to make .
30 But it 's not that I 'm trying to distance myself because I do n't want to be linked directly with that character .
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