Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] usually " in BNC.

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1 If the character moves sideways with the head , body and arms in some way averted from the front , i.e. croisé , possibly with a twist of the shoulders , he or she is usually playing some evil or cunning person .
2 Yet he or she is usually limited by lack of resources , lack of accommodation , lack of contact outside the institution and downright sexual repressiveness within from any sexual expression whatever .
3 He or she is usually a well-known public figure , who need not have any connection with the academic world ( such as a member of the Royal Family ) .
4 The chief academic and administrative officer of a Scottish university , he or she is usually styled ‘ principal and vice chancellor ’ , the latter title used when standing in for the chancellor on ceremonial occasions .
5 It is also restricted to the tips of the incisors , where it is usually heavier than on the category 1 samples .
6 Summarizing is a key behaviour in effective meetings where it is usually an important part of the chairing role .
7 The importation of English grammar into BSL is a particular feature of low status languages , where the learner 's language interference may continue unchecked until there is a communication breakdown and where it is usually the lower status person who accepts the responsibility for the breakdown .
8 There are two Recovery Rooms on the fourth floor where it 's usually okay .
9 Where it 's usually about four or five hundred .
10 It certainly makes a change from all the ‘ what-not-to-eat ’ diet advice that we are usually given .
11 The irony is , of course , that we are usually sitting in one of the three newly refurbished SUSA-run bars at the time , drinking a SUSA-subsidised pint , poured by a member of the SUSA bar staff .
12 Cold , wet and tired , we pitched the tents , and fervently hoped that Stephen 's mother would have reported us missing , as she knew that we were usually good timekeepers and normally arrived when we said we would .
13 Popular protest movements are becoming more common and although they are usually multi-class in membership , they often originate in poor urban neighbourhoods .
14 They are of two different types , mechanical protection works and agronomic methods , although they are usually used together in any soil conservation project .
15 This is because although they are usually regarded as an important branch of positivist theorising , they also have much in common with the classical tradition .
16 Women are economic agents , although they are usually not perceived to be .
17 The ventral interradial areas are covered by spinelets similar to the dorsal side although they are usually smaller and in some specimens they may resemble rugose granules .
18 The location of such deserted hamlets is an important task for the local fieldworker , since for many areas they were the most characteristic feature of the settlement pattern , although they are usually not as well documented as villages , churches and manor houses , nor are their remains as impressive or extensive .
19 Lesser offices remained the preserve of local men , although they were usually people of limited importance .
20 These threats were not idle , although they were usually only directed at those who did n't do much business .
21 Lesser offices remained the preserve of local men , although they were usually people of limited importance .
22 In fairness , it should be said that the best of the regionalist novels were considerably more complex and accomplished than they are usually given credit for , but , nonetheless , the regionalist novel as a whole came to be identified with a type of writing against which later writers reacted , one which , in its concern to document and to convey a message , was artistically clumsy and simplistic in its presentation of reality .
23 I also see women as much stronger than they are usually depicted , so that undoubtedly affects the way I present them in my own work .
24 While there are local adaptations of agricultural and pastoral practice to conserve soil , these processes ensure that they are usually not far-reaching , nor fast enough .
25 The multiple role of many detoxification enzymes would explain one of the curious features of chemical-sensitive patients — the fact that they are usually affected by a whole range of chemicals , not just one .
26 Sometimes , the doppelganger appears to friends or relatives of the dying , and their mimicry is so convincing that they are usually taken for the person involved .
27 One of the factors in the argument for right hemisphere reading by deep dyslexics is that they are usually able to read words that are highly imageable , that is readily give rise to a visual image , but they are often unable to read words that are highly abstract ( Richardson , 1975 ) .
28 Note that overflow records arise singly , however the prime data area is formatted , and that they are usually stored singly in indexed sequential files ( but see discussion of VSAM on p. 266 ) .
29 That they were usually successful indicates that the thieves understood the workings of the colonial bureaucracy , and that government did not function in the way intended by higher officials .
30 On learning that the French called them disparagingly " boites d'allumettes " — matchboxes and that they were usually only used by poor Annamese , the senator had suddenly elected to ride in one with his sons and meet the Frenchman at the market .
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