Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] believe [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In and poised for his latest triumph — a political satire so close to the heart of American electioneering that pundits believe it could affect the outcome of the presidential election .
2 And that 's something that christians believe they have over all other faiths , that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ .
3 There can be a sharp discrepancy between the degree of freedom and dignity that workers believe they deserve and the control that employers think is necessary for their authority to be maintained .
4 Both Mrs Wilson and her husband are teachers at a Christian pimary school , but neither they nor police believe it 's a personal attack , or vendetta .
5 Key ways in which they have worked to lower costs are in reducing the prescribing rate ( which is often high in poorer areas ) ; increasing generic prescribing by informing people of the savings , addressing concerns , and , in the west midlands , offering laboratory analysis if patients believe there to be a difference in symptom control ; and providing draft formularies and guidance on their management .
6 He 'd been receiving treatment for depression and friends believe he committed suicide .
7 It follows that if teachers believe they are incompetent or impotent in these matters , they will accept and expect that the proper strategy is to pass on the problems to suitably qualified colleagues .
8 And detectives believe there could be as many as 100 Courtney victims who have not reported his attacks .
9 Here thieves removed a picture from the wall and police believe they then walked out with it hidden under a long raincoat .
10 A similar attack was reported in the Ormeau area in January , and police believe it may be the same man .
11 Idleness is feared there with good reason , and also to an obsessive degree , for , as has been observed , if men believe something to be true , it is true in its consequences .
12 Even though a proposed fourth game against Canada has been dropped — presumably as a gesture of appeasement — The tour runs from June 5-19 , deep into the summer break — and George Graham , Alex Ferguson , Graeme Souness and others believe their clubs should not be put at a disadvantage at the start of the following season .
13 Iago 's practice of inversion , by which he destroys Cassio while making him and others believe him to be Cassio 's friend , and by which he turns Desdemona 's purity into a black , viscous liquid that will catch his victims like birds in quicklime , has been fully established by Shakespeare and shown to be successful .
14 The Swindon company does n't think it 'll do anything so dramatic in Britain , but managers believe they are in a market with a huge potential .
15 One video is not going to stop car crime on its own , but producers believe it may persuade some young people to think twice before they find themselves on the wrong side of the law .
16 He has a broken jaw , But doctors believe he 's escaped brain damage .
17 But friends believe she had had enough of the relentless pressure of the twice-weekly programme .
18 But pollsters believe his efforts are all in vain , and claim that Clinton is performing just as well in the smaller states and could win as many as 302 of the 538 electoral college votes .
19 Home video shows him enjoying a family Christmas but detectives believe he did n't live long enough to see in the New Year .
20 For Christians believe there to have been a revelation of God in history .
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