Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] changed " in BNC.

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1 Now I am well aware that times have changed and in these more liberal-minded days such a remark might pass with only a raised eyebrow or two , but in 1944 men did not use four-letter swear words in front of girls , be they ever so lowly — and they did n't come much more lowly than we were .
2 The owners of such land may be unaware that circumstances have changed and the developer may have the edge in being able to acquire the site .
3 I think we have to remind ourselves that that is thirteen years old and that circumstances have changed .
4 But erm apologies for going back to the to the discussion er yesterday but it it 's merely just to remind you , picking up the point that Mr Potter 's just made , that that certainly as far as Selby District 's concerned that circumstances have changed very drastically since the situation of ten years ago when the er the structure plan policies were were first drawn up .
5 Would you say that things have changed a great deal from the days when you finished your drama school training at Central in 1966 ?
6 However the supervisor will point out that things have changed since that was produced and he will have his own view of the essentials of the task .
7 You can tell soon enough in Sauveterre that things have changed architecturally when you look at the church .
8 Right so at the point we broke off , you were saying about things that things have changed quite a lot .
9 So how are things you know , said that in the last few say , in five years , that things have changed .
10 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
11 I freely admit that things have changed since , but that was part of the argument .
12 Brenda Thornton , do you think that men have changed very much as a result of the more forthright stance that women have been taking recently ?
13 On the contrary , standards require that the information system is consulted at all times , not only because it is impossible to memorise everything but also because it is likely that facts have changed since they were last consulted .
14 Mrs Maybury was quite scathing about it , but she is a little old-fashioned , and times have changed .
15 but he was saying times have changed , so cos times have changed your opinions change
16 But prices and methods have changed .
17 In animals physical and emotional , if not mental , changes do occur but these have to be elicited by careful observation of the animal , as it is not easy for it to indicate directly how it feels , or how its perceptions and emotions have changed .
18 Patterns of social relations , flows of information and ideas have changed drastically ; and unevenly .
19 Where , why might it be that if , if we 're actually talking about this mutation and things have changed it ?
20 And things have changed since he got remaindered , but I 've got this feeling — call it a detective 's intuition — that he left something of himself behind .
21 Finally , and by no means least important , even where class division is intense , and popular discontent acute , the forces of order , of the State may well contain and suppress revolt until conditions have changed and conflict eased .
22 Another organisation whose concerns and objectives have changed and broadened during this period is the Order of Christian Unity ( OCU ) .
23 Even villages and hamlets have changed .
24 Next , fro(5) , squaring and adding , we have unc and since only the uth , vth columns and rows have changed , we deduce that the sum of the squares of all the off-diagonal elements of B is less than that of A since we have replaced the two elements Auv of A by zeros in B. Thus unc Having evaluated B , we repeat the procedure to find C ; we select the element Bpq of largest modulus and find unc from ( see 4 ) ) unc we then proceed as before to construct unc and
25 Although self-image does not obsess me as it once did , my interest continues and I find it exciting how fashions and looks have changed ; how many more possibilities there are for creativity and self-expression via clothes and image .
26 It may also be that policies and practices have changed since the survey was carried out , for example because of a change in political control .
27 The aim of the project is to obtain basic information about employers ' policies and practices in the recruitment and management of the work-force , and in particular to establish how far such policies and practices have changed in recent years .
28 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
29 But times have changed , and with several successful campaigns behind it ( goats have been eradicated from five islands ) Galapagos conservation is taking a new direction .
30 But times have changed and it 's different now .
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